Chapter 32

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~Shu POV~

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion after the gunshot rang out. Sora had jumped in front of the gun, letting out a cry of pain as the bullet embedded itself in her chest. She hit the ground and rolled until she lay on her left side, facing the crowd, four feet from the edge of the stage. Her eyes were closed and her face was expressionless. The entire arena was silent, even Phi looked somewhat shocked as to what had happened. Shu looked at Sora, looking for any sign that she survived but she lay motionless. Footsteps were heard echoing around the arena as Phi walked over to the white and gold haired blader. He nudged her body with his foot and smirked when she continued to lay motionless. No... she... she can't be. Shu thought. Phi looked to the crowd with a smirk on his face. "Your champion is dead!" He began. Gasps of shock could be heard from the crowd. "Seeing as I have defeated the other members of the Big Five, I am your new champion." Phi continued. Come on Sora, get up! Get up please! Shu mentally pleaded. "Anyone who objects is free to challenge me but I assure you that you will meet the same fate as your former champion." Phi said. Shu saw the small pool of blood that was under the fallen blader's left shoulder. "No... she beat him.... She can't be dead." Lui whispered. "Now for my first act as number one blader." Phi said before pulling a remote out of his pocket and pressing a button on it. Fubuki let out a cry of pain, causing Shu and the rest of the Big Five to look at him. The blond fell to his knees, holding his head in pain. Shu quickly looked at Aiger and saw that his eyes were purple. The arena was quickly filled with the pained cries of the bladers as the nanotech took control over them. The Big Five could only watch as Phi's plan unfolded before their eyes. "This is worse than when Ashtem took over you and Sora." Free said. "Much worse." Shu said. Soon, the crys died out and the bladers stood up, all of their eyes were purple. "As for the Big Five, or should I say, former Big Five. If you try to stop our plans, you will join your friend." Phi threatened. He left along with every blader in the arena following him. Shu ran out of the stands, faintly aware of Valt and the rest following behind him. They ran through the red corner's entrance and to Sora's body. Shu kneeled beside the white and gold haired blader and lifted her into his arms. "Sora, Sora please wake up." Shu said. The white and gold haired blader didn't respond. Shu put his hand in front of Sora's mouth and found that she was still breathing but it was very shallow. He then checked her pulse and found it was weak. "She's still alive but barely. We need to get her to a hospital." He said. Free shook his head. "If we take her to a hospital and Phi finds out, she won't make it out." He said. "Then what do we do? If we do nothing she'll die. If we take her to the hospital she'll die." Lui said. "I couldn't help but overhear your predicament." Hearts' voice said from behind Free and Lui. The four bladers turned and glared at the white and lavender haired blader. Hearts put his hands up in surrender. "I'm here to help. I may be Phi's brother but we aren't on the best of terms right now. Sora on the other hand, is my friend." He said. "You had a real good way of showing it when you held her captive in the Dead Gran." Shu growled. "I did what I could but when Phi showed up I couldn't really do anything for her. That and Evel kept running tests on her. Look, we can argue about this while she slowly bleeds out or, we can take her to one of the rooms I'm going to show you here in the building where a team of doctors is already waiting." Hearts said. The Big Five shared uncertain looks before Shu stood up, carrying Sora bridal style. "If this is a trap, I'll kill you myself." He said. Hearts didn't seem fazed by the threat as he lowered his hands and turned to walk towards the red corner's entrance. The group followed the white and lavender haired blader out of the arena and down several hallways before coming to a stop in front of a door. The door opened revealing several doctors standing around an examination table. Shu walked over to the table and laid Sora on it before one of the doctors shooed him out and shut the door. "Now we wait." Free said. Shu said nothing as he walked away from the door and stood by the wall across from the room. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "We need a plan." Valt said suddenly. "A plan?" Lui said. "Yeah. First, when Sora gets out of surgery, where are we going to take her? Don't you think Phi would come to the Raging Bulls?" Valt asked. Free shook his head. "He won't. As far as he knows Sora is dead, and if he knows as much about us as I suspect, then he'll think that we'll be too busy mourning to come after him. I think we'll be safe at the Raging Bulls." He said. "Ok, how are we going to sneak Sora there?" Valt asked. "We have the coroner come here and act like they are taking her body but in reality she'll come with us to the Raging Bulls." Free replied. "Ok, so how are we going to free the bladers?" Valt asked. "I don't think here and now is the best time to talk about that. One of the bladers under Phi and Ashtem's control could hear you and then they would know." Hearts said. "They could've also heard our plan to get Sora out of here." Lui grumbled. "They didn't. There's no one in this part of the building except us." Shu said. "And you know how?" Lui asked. "I took some lessons from Sakyo while we were in Koma village. I haven't heard anyone walk in our direction or even close to this part of the building." Shu replied. "Well that's good to know." Hearts said. "Why are you here Hearts? Shouldn't you be with your brother figuring out how to rule the blading world?" Lui said. "I don't want any part in what my brother is doing. He's the only one who wants to be a ruler. I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't listen. Ever since we were little, he has thought that he was higher than me and everyone else. We never got along. He always had to have what he wanted. The only time he didn't was when I got Dead Hades and he got stuck with Revive Phoenix. I want his madness to end as much as you guys do. You're not the only ones he has hurt, you know!" Hearts said. "He's right guys, Phi destroyed his bey too." Valt said. The door of the room opened, revealing one of the doctors. "How is she?" Shu asked. "She'll recover in time. She just needs rest. She's lucky to have friends like you five. A second later and she wouldn't have made it." The doctor said. "Can we see her?" Valt asked. "She is not awake at the moment." The doctor replied. "Oh. Thank you for saving her. But can you do one more thing?" Valt asked. "What is it?" The doctor asked.

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