Chapter 30: A Brighter Dawn

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It was the next morning and today was the day that you would leave BridgePort for good.  You were sad because of everything that occurred. But you were also happy because this would the day that you would officially start a life with JB and leave all the Esterbrook family secrets behind.
"Here's a gift for you." JB smirked and handed you a ring.
"Is this what I think it is?" You smiled.
"After everything that has happened and how we stuck together despite all the trials and how I could have lost you in the mines. It made me realize that you're the one person I always want in my future. I love you F/N. So will you please be my wife?" He asked.
"Yes of course!" You cried tears of happiness and kissed him.

You got in the car smiles plastered on both of your faces. 
"You know I want to pay your family a visit one last time. I want to give Joe something so I'll just slip it in through his window. How about you write a note to say goodbye to everyone officially?" JB suggested.
"Yeah that sounds like a great idea." You said with a smile and began writing your feelings out in the note. 

You just finished it when you arrived at Trudy's house.
"Here you go." You said and handed it to JB who had the gift in his hand. You watched how he slipped everything inside and then came back to the car. 

Joe's POV
I went up to my room and I saw on my bed that there was two notes and a radio on my bed.  I read the note from JB with him saying how he's leaving and going to try to forget about the eye and how I should too and I I ever need him to use that to communicate with him.
  I picked up the note from F/N and it said to read to everyone in the family.   I went downstairs.
"Guys guys! F/N left a note!" I yelled.
"A note?" Aunt Trudy questioned.
"Well read it out." Frank said. 
"Come on." Dad said.
"Okay it says." I started.

"Dear Joe and everyone else who is reading this note.
I never thought I would say goodbye in this manner but I knew when I got to my twenties I would be leaving everyone eventually and that makes me wish that I could go back in time and relive every moment ever again. This mystery was a mystery that's for sure a long one.  I'm going to miss you guys so so much and I love all of you.  I hate saying goodbye so I'm not going to say goodbye I'm just going to say see you until next time and trust me there is always a next time. I have your number so maybe when I can I'll give you guys a ring just to let you know I'm okay and to check up on you. If I'm ever in the area again maybe I'll swing by just to see you guys again. You are my family after all.
Frank take good care of Joe and take care of yourself and focus on those studies and get into a great college. I know you will successful in all that you do. Always treat everyone close to you with the upmost kindness and never trust too blindly. I also think you have a crush on Callie and I know she likes you back so I wish you guys the happiest life.
Uncle Fenton I know you might be disappointed in me and some of my choices but as always we all have to live and find our own path and destiny and see where life takes us. I'm always going to be writing so I hope you read my stories and continue to support me even from afar. I also hope that you work close to where Frank and Joe are because they need you more than ever.
Trudy I know I didn't know you that well but the time that I spent living with you and making memories with you and the boys are memories I'll always cherish. I saw you as someone I admired for your kindness and your integrity and I hope that your paintings become even bigger than Picasso.
Joe seeing you grow up to who you are today is just astonishing. You're so smart and brave for your age and I hope you start to enjoy school so you can make the best memories there. I also hope that if you do get into more mysteries because I'm positive that you will that if you ever need me the code breaker that you somehow let me know. I'll always be supporting you through everything even if I'm not there directly.  Always remember that.
As for me I'll be with JB and trust me I'll be fine I can take care of myself and he takes care of me as well. We do love each other even if people think it's crazy because he's a thief for hire. I'll try to keep in touch with everyone and everything. And I hope that nothing bad happens to you.   I'm going to start the life I want and write my own future and path.  Wherever that path my take me.
  Forever your cousin/niece F/N Esterbrook (soon to be Cox)"

I finished reading and everyone was in tears me most of all. 
"So I guess she eloped." Trudy said wiping away tears.
"I guess so." Frank said.
"We can only hope that she's happy and so is he. He better take good care of her because if he doesn't I swear I'll find them." Dad said.
"He will I can tell that they're both happy." I said still crying.
"Yeah you can tell that they're meant to be." Frank said with a small smile.
"No matter what boys she's always with us and will always be with us in heart and in our memories and she did say that she would keep in contact." Trudy said trying to smile.
"I'm just going to miss her." I said.
"Me too." Frank said and hugged me.
"Me three." Dad said sadly.

Your POV
You were still driving out of BridgePort and you were looking at all the things that you once looked at when you first got here.
"You know they're going to be alright." JB said.
"I know they will be. It's just an adjustment. I've seen those boys grow up they're like my little brothers." You said.
"I left Joe my radio so if they ever need us I know they will be in contact with us." JB said with a small smile.
"How do you know that it will work?" You asked.
"I don't I just have faith. Faith is something you choose to have." JB smiled.
"Yeah you're right. I have faith in them and that I'll see them again and I also have faith that we will have a beautiful life together." You smiled.
"So do I." JB said and kissed your hand.
You looked at the man who was once just a guy you found on the beach and now he is your fiancé and you couldn't have been happier. Throughout all of the things you uncovered and so did he and all the twist and turns the one thing that remained constant was your love for each other and you couldn't have been happier.

Hey guys author here! I hope you enjoyed this story. If/when there's a season 2 I might continue on with this book! I have more books in planning! I hope you guys have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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