Chapter 1: The Day That Ruined The Happiness

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You were in the living room reading a book while your cousins Frank and Joe were playing video games and fighting.
"Hey hey break it up." Aunt Laura said.
"Frank can you back up my car please before Dad gets home." Aunt Laura said.
"Really?" Frank asked eyes locked on the tv. "Why can't F/N do it?"
"I'm studying for college just go do it." You replied.
He sighed and got up.
"Touch it and I'll end you." Frank said to Joe.
"Okay." Joe lied.
"Go." Aunt Laura whispered with a smile causing you to laugh.
"Are you serious?! That took two hours!" Frank yelled.
"Come on Joe you can do it!" You cheered while Aunt Laura was holding off Frank.
"Game over." You read on the screen.
"Is that bad?" Aunt Laura asked.
"You would have won if you just let me play." You laughed causing everyone else to erupt in laughter.
It was the next day and everyone was getting ready. You saw Aunt Laura talking to someone on the phone and writing something down and you had an uneasy feeling about it. Not wanting to pry you went and found Frank.

"Hey F/N are you coming to my game?" He asked.
"Of course I can't wait to see you beat the other team." You said encouraging him.
"I'm just worried about it." He admitted.
"You're a natural and your team is great trust me you got this win in the bag." You reassured.
"Thanks F/N." He smiled.
You walked and you saw your uncle Fenton.
"Hey F/N got any plans today?" He asked.
"Well now that I'm starting to make some royalties writing I'm just going to continue to follow my passion." You smiled.
"You're in your twenties and it's most likely going to be your last free summer so make the most of it because soon you'll be a famous writer." Uncle Fenton said.
"You know I always do." You smiled.
"I might need some help with some upcoming projects mind looking over some case files for me today?" He asked.
"I can do that." You stated. "But is that really enjoying my summer?"
"Well you like reading and writing so yes it is and thank you." He said and walked out the door.
You heard Joe complaining about tuna and you shook your head with a small laugh.
"Maybe you should have focused more in school and not goofed off so you have to go to summer school!" You called out with a laugh.
"Whatever!" He yelled back.
You waved goodbye as everyone left you in the house.

You were mainly spent the days doing odd tasks while doing the book work for your uncle and writing your own stories. Usually the day goes by slow but today for some odd reason it went by rather quickly and you were soon rushing to see Frank's game. You quickly arrived and you saw Joe in the crowd next to Emma and Sandra.
"Hey Joe did I miss anything?" You asked.
"Frank's winning the game so far. Have you seen my parents?" He asked.
"Aunt Laura and Uncle Fenton still aren't here?" You said confused.
"Nope." He replied sadly.
"Well I'm sure they'll be here shortly." You reassured.
You were watching the game and cheering Frank on hoping that he would win this game and also hoping your aunt and uncle would arrive soon. As time passed you kept getting more and more nervous.
"This guy doesn't look that tough he looks like someone's step dad." Joe commented.
Everyone's breath stopped when he hit the ball.
"Foul ball two strikes!" The speaker announced.
"That was way too close." You said.
He threw the ball again and it was another foul ball and Frank's team won.
"Woohooo!" Everyone cheered and clapped.

"Come on." Joe said and dragged you onto the field with him.
"Have you guys seen mom and dad?" Frank asked.
"No I haven't seen them I hope they're okay." You said.
Just then you looked and saw Uncle and Fenton looking sad and a cop car.
"Oh no." You said and rushed out with the boys closely following you.
"Stay here." Uncle Fenton said went to talk to the paramedics.
"Oh how did this happened." You said trying to hold back tears. You looked at the car she was in that was ruined and you overheard the paramedics say that she's really gone.
"Mom." Joe said on the verge of tears and then he started crying. Frank hugged him still in shock over everything and you also broke down in tears.

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