Chapter 16: Finding A Crooked Cop

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You were sitting at the table with Frank and Joe while they were eating breakfast.
"What are you doing today?" You asked Frank.
"Callie and I are going to go to Rosegrave to talk to the dean to see if he has any clues." Frank said. "You?"
"Joe and I are going to try to prove that the piece of fabric is connected to a cop." You said.
"Yep we're going to find the crooked cop and get them to confess." Joe said excited.
"Why would they confess? Plus who would believe your word over a cop's?" Frank asked.
"They will cause Im wearing a wire. I'm using headphones as a microphone and I just recorded everything you said." Joe proudly said and started to play the recording but it was just muffled sound.
"That's a work in progress." You said with a laugh.
"Yeah that's a super plan buddy." Frank sarcastically said.
"It's a prototype it will work." Joe said.
"I need you two to stay home until they find the Tall Man or at least until I get back." Frank said.
"If our situations were reversed you wouldn't sit around and do nothing." Joe said getting irritated.
"Fine." You lied.
Frank looked at the both of you and walked away.
"Really F/N?" Joe asked.
"No I was lying. We're going to go." You said with a smile.
"Best cousin ever." Joe smiled and gave you a high five. 
"Now how are we going to sneak out?" Joe asked.
"Phil and his club." You said. "Call him."

A couple minutes later Phil came in wearing his uniform.
"Miss Trudy." Phil said.
"Phil you're here. Why?" Trudy asked skeptically.
"For me!" Joe yelled and ran downstairs in a matching navy blue sailor uniform.
"Now this you'll have to explain." Trudy said.
"I'm going to a sea cadet meeting." Joe smiled.
"You're not allowed to leave the house." Trudy said.
"But it might be good for Joe to learn values and skills plus he won't be alone and will be around adults and other kids in matching uniforms so he won't be recognized. I doubt the guy we caught will automatically think to check in at a sea cadet meeting." You said trying to persuade her.
"You may be right." Trudy said. 
"Please Aunt Trudy?" Joe begged. "I can pull the Switch-aroo and let another kid get taken. Is it immoral? Yes. But is it effective? Also yes."
"Fine." She said begrudgingly.
"Oh Trudy can I go to town and get some ice cream?" You asked.
"Now you want to leave it's dangerous." She stated.
"But I'll be in town and not alone and if I see him I'll run to the police station." You said.
"Promise me you'll stay safe?" She asked. 
"I promise." You smiled.
"Leave." She said and motioned for everyone to get out.
After you went outside Joe whispered to you. "Meet me at the meeting place."
"And where's that?" You asked.
"Just follow Phil's mom's car." He said.
You nodded and waited for the car to leave and you began following it and no one seemed to notice.    You saw Phil talking to Joe and Joe trying to get away and he managed to.
"Come on." You told Joe and you guys started to walk to prove your suspicion.   As you were walking you also saw Biff.
"Took you long enough." She said.
"Phil's a hard man to shake off." Joe said.
"Are you sure you weren't followed?" Biff asked.

"I'm slyer than I look and I look pretty sly." Joe said trying to act cool causing you to laugh.
"Not in that outfit." Biff said.
"I needed a cover and your sass will slow down mine and F/N's investigation." Joe said.
"What's the plan?" She asked.
"This piece of fabric is the missing puzzle piece if we can figure out where this fabric goes then we can solve the mystery." You said.
"All we have to do is find the dirty cop." Joe smirked.
"Dont say it like that as if you're so sure that F/N's boyfriend's buyer is a cop." Biff stated.
"You were there and we got confirmation." Joe said.
"The jacket could have been stolen." Biff said.
"Have you overheard anyone talking a stolen jacket?" You asked.
"No but that doesn't mean anything." Biff stated annoyed.
"We aren't saying it's your mom we're just saying we have to look and find out who's jacket this belongs to." You sighed.
"If you want us to believe it's not a cop then prove it." Joe challenged.
"Fine." Biff said.

The three of you began walking to try to prove if your suspicion is right or wrong. No matter what the answer is you were just hoping to find answers. 
"We're going to go to my house first." Biff said.
After walking to her house she went into her mom's room and started to look.
"Are there any rips?" You asked.
"Not a tear in sight." Biff said.
"Check for new stitching." Joe said.
"Stop my mom is not a suspect and this is enough proof." She said. "Got it?"
"Okay that's fine." You said.
"Do you want to go to the chief's?" Joe asked.
"Let's go." Biff said and the three of you decided to go to the chief's just to be safe.
"If we find anything." Joe began.
"And we won't." Biff said.
"If we do then what?" Joe asked.
"Then we deal with that when it comes because we'll have an answer finally." You said.

After getting to the chief's Joe decided to crawl through the doggy door to let us in. 
"Let's get this done quickly because I don't want to go to jail for breaking  and entering." You whispered and they nodded in agreement.
"When I get a house I want to have five TVs and a pizza oven." Joe said.
"I pity your future wife." Biff sighed.
"Oh I don't want a wife. I mean not that I'd never get one if someone cool came along." Joe said awkwardly.
"I'm going to search that way." Biff said.
"Yeah I'll go that way." Joe said going in the opposite direction and sighing. 
You began to rummage and look around but you didn't find anything but you saw a car pull up.
"Please don't tell me that's who I think it is." Joe said.
"Okay we have to go hide now." You said in a rush for time.
"The window!" Joe yelled.
You ran to the window and helped Biff out and then threw Joe's backpack to Biff and then helped Joe out.
"Hurry hurry." You said not wanting to get caught. Once Joe jumped out you quickly jumped out and onto the trash bags and knocked over the metal garbage can revealing a coat with a tear.
You put the material next to it and it was a match.
"This is it." You whispered.
"So the shady cop theory is right in this case. Huh." You said shocked.
"Hey who's out there?!" The chief yelled.
"Run." You whispered and all three of you ran before you guys would get caught.

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