Chapter 10: Partner in Crime

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After having that conversation you just stated at that application blankly not knowing what to do with it.
"Do I apply or do I not?" You thought. You were deep in thought walking around and there was no one around and it was completely quiet. So quiet that it was eery.  You kept looking back feeling someone's eyes on you. 
"Boo!" Someone yelled from behind.
Your eyes went wide and you jumped back scared. "Ahh!"
"Hahahaha! You should have seen your face." The voice said laughing.
"JB that's so mean." You complained.
"Sorry sorry." He said giving you a hug. 
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"I just saw you aimlessly walking holding a piece of paper. What is it?" He asked curiously.
"An application to Rosegrave Prep." You sighed.
"That's a great school are you going to go?" He asked.
"I think my grandmother forgets my age sometimes and my dreams. I'm not going to college or I would have long ago. I'd rather travel and just work on my books." You said.

"I want to leave this town eventually." JB said. 
"It's risky for you to stay here." You sighed.
"It's risky for you to be around me." JB commented.
"I like risks." You smirked and kissed his cheek. 
"You're officially my partner in crime." JB smirked.
"Only in crime?" You teased causing him to blush.
"Well erm I mean umm if you want to be... something more then I would lik-er love to be something more." JB awkwardly said.
You giggled. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
"Yes." He said. 
"I'd love to be your girlfriend." You smiled.
He wrapped his arm around you and held you close.
"It's getting late I better head home." You said sadly.
"I'll walk you home." He said.

Hand in hand you two walked to Trudy's and both of you were laughing and smiling as you walked slowly.  You eventually saw the house and Trudy outside waiting for you.
"She's outside so I'll continue walking the rest." You said.
"Goodnight F/N." JB said and gave you a kiss goodnight.
"Goodnight." You said and walked to Trudy.
"Where have you been?" Trudy asked in a panic.
"I was just walking around and lost track of time. What's wrong?" You asked.
"Joe got in trouble with cops for sneaking into a private room." Trudy sighed.
"I'll talk to him." You said and walked inside.
"Joe what did you do?" You asked.
"I snuck around a police station to find some information about the guy on the beach." Joe said. 
"Why?" You asked.
"He could have answers." Joe said.
You rolled your eyes. "I don't think so."
"Hey just because you have a crush on him doesn't mean he doesn't know something." Frank said. 
"He doesn't." You said and went up to your room to go to bed.

It was the next day and you were cleaning the bikes.
"Hey Joe I got you a present." Biff said.
"It's not even my birthday." Joe said. "My first letters I would have loved  this book if I was four years old."
You and Frank laughed.
"There's something inside it." Biff said.
"You made a copy of the report." Joe said.
"Woah Biff this is amazing. How did you get this?" Frank asked.
"I made a copy when my mom wasn't looking it wasn't easy believe me." Biff replied. "But I love a challenge."
  "JB Cox. That's a weird name." Joe commented.
"There's your boyfriend F/N." Frank commented.
"He isn't a bad guy." You defended. 
"I hope you're right." Frank said.

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