Chapter 18: If You Need Help

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All the neighbors walked out muttering things.
"Please someone get him an ambulance!" The girl yelled.
"I think I'm going to be sick." You said clenching your stomach.
The girl then tried to check his pulse but Frank grabbed her. "Don't go near him!"
"What's your name?" You asked her.
"Stacy." She answered.
"It's going to be okay Stacy." Frank said.
Joe went and looked at the body and he wasn't moving and soon the cops came.
"What happened?" Colig asked.
"The man jumped at us and shoved us and picked up Frank by his shirt and I got him off of Frank and we ran and then this girl hit him with her car accidentally." You said shaken.
"I couldn't stop." Stacie said.
"Officer check for vitals." Colig commanded and the officer obeyed.
"Is he dead?" You asked and there was no answer so it was a presume yes.
"You're going to have to go to the station with one of these officers." Colig told Stacy.
"F/N and the boys come with me." Colig said and everyone obeyed still shaken about everything.

You were at the station getting questioned. You were scared but didn't show it. You tried your best to remain calm.
"You three are lucky glad to see all of you are okay. Now any idea as to why that guy might have been chasing you?" Colig asked.
"Probably to get revenge for capturing him." Joe answered.
"He came out of nowhere." You said.
Hooper walked in and stood next to Joe.
"Is Stacy okay?" Frank asked.
"Yes she's in there giving her statement." Hooper said.
"Did he say anything to you at all?" Colig asked.
"No he didn't say anything to us." You said.
"Come on you have to know something." He pushed.
"Chief I think they're tired." Hooper said.
"Hooper why don't you get a report on our dead escapee down to the coroner's office." Colig said.
"Will do. I called your Aunt Trudy she's on her way." Hooper said and walked away.
"Now look this is the third time this guy has come after you. You have to know something." Colig said.
"The only thing we know is you can't keep him. He escaped from the hospital and right out of your jail. How did that happen anyways?" Joe asked.
"I'm still trying to figure that out." Colig replied.
"Uncle Fenton says usually escapes are inside jobs." You stated.
"F/N Joe." Frank said.
"Your uncle was a good cop but he better watch what he says to young impressionable kids." Colig hissed.
"Guys are you okay?!" Trudy asked rushing in.
"We're fine." You said.
"Let's go home." Trudy said pushing the three of you out the station.
You were walking to the car and you sat in the passenger's seat just thinking about the events that transpired.
You eventually made it back and you guys sat in the living room.
"What about the girl?" She asked.
"Stacy?" Joe said.
"I saw her leaving the police station she seems okay." Frank said.
"What a terrible thing for her to have to experience." You sighed.
"And you guys too. If anything happened to either of you I don't know what I would do." Trudy said.
"Aunt Trudy." Joe said.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"You missed me most right?" Joe asked smiling to lighten the mood and everyone started to laugh.
"Stacy saved our lives so she's pretty cool in my book." Joe said.
"Speaking of books." Frank said.
"Yeah so your dad's not back so you two need to go to school. F/N I know you get paid for writing so you can write and help me with the house while these two are in class." Trudy said.
"You boys are officially Bridgeport boys. You guys can be the mysterious new kids." Trudy said.
"Can we defer for a year?" Joe asked.
"Not happening. Do you guys want to watch a movie? Popcorn?" She asked.
"How can we even think about school?" Joe asked.
"At least we won't be hunted anymore." You said relieved and laid your head on the couch sighing.
"I'm going to go for a walk I need to clear my head." You said.
"F/N are you sure you're okay?" Trudy asked concerned.
"Yeah Yeah I just need to clear my head with some fresh air." You sighed.
"If you need to talk I'm here." She said.
"I know." You said and went outside.

You started to walk for about a mile and you saw some trees and you just sat underneath a tree. You closed your eyes and sighed.
"What did I get myself into?" You asked.
"I don't know what did you get yourself into?" A familiar voice asked and sat next to you. You looked over and saw your boyfriend but not with a smile on his face.
"I heard about what happened. What a horrific experience." JB said.
"Yeah it was." You sighed putting your hands in your face.
"Something happened to me too." JB admitted.
"What?" You asked concerned.
"I was at my hotel and the person who represents who I work for was there and said that I didn't deliver it properly because there was a piece inside the idol that was missing." JB said.
"I know about the piece." You said.
"How?" He asked.
"When Joe found it he began to throw it and it broke and we saw the piece and took it." You admitted.
"Do you think he has the piece still?" JB asked.
"He might Im not sure." You said. You knew that you hid the piece but you weren't sure if Biff or Joe moved it because you haven't checked on it.
"If I don't get that piece I'm worried I don't know what's in store." He said.
You laid your head on his shoulder and clutched his hand.
"If you need my help I'll help you. No questions asked." You said softly.
"The same goes for you." JB said and placed a kiss on your head.
"I'm tired I should go back to Trudy's." You said. "If you can hide you can come if you want."
"I don't want to bring danger to you. But if I do need your help I'll go to you." JB said.
"Alright you know where I live." You smiled and gave him a kiss.
"Bye." He said.
"Bye." You said and walked to Trudy's to go to sleep.

Hardy Boys JB Cox x Reader Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu