Chapter 9: More Information

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You and Joe were going back to the beach to see if his toolbox was there.
"Why did you leave your toolbox?" You whispered.
"I don't know." He whispered back.
As you were looking you saw the cops investigating the area but you couldn't tell if they had a toolbox.
"Let's wrap it up." Deputy Hooper said.
You tapped Joe shoulder and motioned for you two to leave. He nodded and you slowly crept away.

"Let's head to the station." Joe said.
"Alright." You said.
You two skateboarded to the station and found Deputy Hooper's car.
"Looking for something Hardy?" Biff asked.
"Who me?" He asked.
"No the other kid who is looking into my mom's car." Biff commented.
"I just saw that your mom's trunk was open so I wanted to close it before someone sketchy came around." Joe lied.
"So you're being a good citizen?" She questioned.
"Yeah." Joe said.
"We aren't doing anything shady." You said. Biff gave you a weird look almost as if she was trying to see if you were lying.
"Hey Joe hey F/N." Deputy Hooper said. "How are things?"
"Things are good." You and Joe said nervously as you saw Deputy Hooper holding a toolbox.
"Umm me and F/N have to go do some things. Bye!" Joe said and started to pull you away.

"They have my toolbox!" Joe yelled.
"Shh! Be quiet and stay calm." You said.
"We need to go to Trudy's!" Joe yelled and started to run.
"Joe! Joe! Wait up!" You called chasing after him.
You eventually made it to Trudy's and you and Joe went to the attic and Frank followed.
"I still can't believe she dumped me." Frank said in disbelief.
"Listen I understand that you're sad and I'm sorry for the breakup but you're sixteen you'll get over it eventually. But we have a bigger problem." You said.
"I'm going to call her." Frank said.
You rolled your eyes.
"No I won't. She said it's over I need to respect that. Right?" Frank asked.
"Right!" You and Joe said in unison slightly annoyed.

You looked at the board that had all the clues so far to your Aunt's murder.
"Okay so the guy Uncle Fenton arrested was charged because he aided a criminal and gave him food and clothes." You said.
"A toolbox by any chance?" Joe asked.
"What are you talking about?" Frank asked.
"Well let's say a kid lent his toolbox to a criminal hypothetically speaking and the cops found it?" Joe asked.
"You gave your toolbox to the guy on the beach and the cops found it." Frank said.
"I didn't give it to him. I lent it to him." Frank said.

"It doesn't matter it's still aiding a criminal." Frank said.
"I didn't he was a criminal!" Joe yelled scared.
"Great you aided a criminal and F/N is dating the criminal." Frank sighed.
"You don't think I should call her?" Frank asked derailing the subject.
"I don't know!" Joe yelled.
"No you shouldn't now focus!" You said snapping your fingers.
"I'm twelve years old not a dating expert and I don't want to go to jail. How about we focus on this toolbox." Joe said.
"There's nothing we can do. How would the cops know that it's your toolbox?" Frank asked.
"There's a tool that Joe engraved his name onto." You answered.
"Who engraves their name?" Frank asked.
"I like to engrave things!" Joe yelled.
"Okay okay okay." You said trying to calm down the situation. "What if we steal back that tool?"
"If they find out they'll just assume he stole it. That's it there's no need to break in. I would never let anything happen to you." Frank said.
"You better be right because I'm not going to kid jail." Joe said.
"You're not going to kid jail. Now let's focus on our next move." Frank said.

All three of you walked to the board and started to analyze all the pieces you have.
"So Tall Man killed all the people on the Astghik." You said.
"Probably for the idol." Joe said.
"No doubt about it. Him and the guy from the beach want the same thing." Frank said.
"I still don't know how any of this connects to mom." Joe commented.
"We don't have all the information yet." You sighed.
"I think I know where to start." Frank said.
"What about me and F/N?" Joe asked.
"Stay home." Frank said. "I'm going to work and then going to the library."
Joe sighed and plopped on the chair.
"F/N! Come here!" Trudy called.
"I'll be back." You said and walked downstairs.
"Your grandmother keeps calling saying that she needs to speak to you about something with the upmost importance." Trudy said.
"Well I guess I'll go visit her eventually then." You said.
"Be careful." Trudy advised.
"Why?" You asked curious.
"I know you're an Esterbrook but you were raised a Hardy. I know your Aunt didn't want Gloria to raise you even though she offered. That's why Laura took you and Laura left that life. It's more than money that separates the Hardys and Esterbrooks. So just be careful. Okay?" Trudy said.
"Yeah I definitely will be careful." You said.
"Oh and F/N if you ever need someone to talk to about anything you can trust me I can keep a secret." Trudy said.
"Thank you Trudy." You smiled.
"Anytime." She said.

"Aunt Trudy Im going out!" Joe called.
"Where are you going?" Trudy asked.
"Don't worry." Joe said and closed the door.
"That makes me worry." You sighed.
"You need to go over to your grandmother's do you want a ride?" Trudy asked.
"No I'll walk I need to prepare myself." You said and left.

You started to walk and you noticed all of the brick buildings and how much history there was. You also started to think about your aunt and JB and how they might be connected in some way, shape, or form. You eventually arrived and you also noticed Frank going in.
"Frank wait up!" You called. He turned around and waved and you also saw her butler waiting there. You walked next to Frank and the butler led you both to her room.
"Francis Hardy and F/N Esterbrook just the two grandchildren I needed to see." Your grandmother said and gave you both a hug.
"We have so much to talk about and it's not too late to fill out this application to Rosegrave." Your grandmother stated handing you an application.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Frank asked.
"Well you already know it's the most prestigious prep school and founded by your great great grandfather." She smiled.
"It's not about the school." Frank said. "It's about mom."
"What about your mother?" Your grandmother asked.
"Do you remember the last time you talked?" Frank asked.
"Oh that must have been quite some time ago." She answered.
"I talked to someone in town and he thinks you two had a conversation the day she passed." Frank said.
"I remember the day very well. We did have a conversation that morning." She said.
"Was it an argument." You asked.
"Well I don't remember it that way she seemed alright when she left. We talked about you two. Your future and I made no secret that I wanted you both to go to Rosegrave." She said.
"Aunt Laura didn't want us to go?" You questioned.
"Well she was concerned about the cost. I told her money was no object especially when family is concerned. In retrospect I might have pushed too much. But she didn't seem that upset." She said.
"You told the cops right?" Frank asked.
"What are you trying to get at?" Your grandmother asked.
"It's just you didn't tell any of us about this super important conversation." Frank said.
"No I didn't and I didn't do it to keep anything from you. I just thought I would spare you." Your grandmother sadly said.
"I wish you would of let us make that decision." Frank said.
"You're absolutely right I should have and I shall regret for the rest of my life that that will be the last conversation I will ever have with my daughter." Your grandmother said. "It's heartbreaking.

Just then Callie knocked on the door.
"Your grandmother has been helping me fill out the application to Rosegrave prep. Doing the application is like a test in itself." She smiled.
"Well now we have to concentrate on their application." Your grandmother said.
"Well my lunch break is actually over so I have to go." Frank said.
"I told Joe I would meet up with him so I have to go too." You lied.
"See you very soon." Your grandmother said.

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