Chapter 17: Piecing It Together

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You, Joe, and Biff were running away from chief's house and fast.
"So I guess F/N and I were right." Joe said with a smirk.
"Oh shut up." Biff said as we arrived to a house.
"He's like an uncle to me." Biff said.
"Doesn't mean he didn't help JB or he didn't let the Tall Man escape." Joe said.
"How else would he have escaped if it wasn't an inside job?" You questioned.

"He's my mom's boss she trusts him more than anyone. If he's corrupt my mom is in danger." Biff said.
"F/N and I have been in danger a million times since moving to Bridgeport. It's nothing she can't handle." Joe said.
Biff looked shocked. "We need to tell her the truth."
"About what? Me helping JB. F/N dating JB. You stealing evidence. Us breaking into her boss's house." Joe said.
"She's my mom I have to protect her." Biff said.
"And we will but right now she shouldn't go digging into something that could get her in trouble." You said.
"Joe and I have to go. Joe go meet up with Phil I'm going to head back first." You said.
"Bye." You said and waved goodbye.
"Later." Biff said looking down.

As you were walking you were thinking of a lie to tell Trudy so she wouldn't worry. You could feel the weather get colder especially since school for Frank and Joe was just around the corner and the seasons were changing. You closed your eyes and just took in the cold air and really enjoyed it.

"Boo!" Someone said.
You jumped and looked back to see JB.
"Really?" You asked.
"You're easy to sneak up on F/N." JB smiled.
"Well I'm also great at sneaking away." You smiled.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
You bit your lip and looked at him a glint of excitement filling your eyes. "I snuck into Chief Colig's house and I didn't caught."
"You what?!" JB yelled.
"I did." You said.
"I don't know if I'm more surprised, concerned, or kind of proud because I didn't think you had it in you." He said with his infamous smirk. "Maybe you'd make a great jewel thief."
"Maybe or a great detective." You said smiling.
"Well either or I know you'd succeed." He said and kissed you.
"Now don't do anything that stupid again please because if you were caught you'd be arrested and I doubt you'd be able to break yourself out of prison." JB stated.
"I won't do anything stupid." You said with a smile.
"Good." He said. "Now there's your house so I'll go but take care. I heard that the guy is on the loose so stay safe."

"I should be telling you that. I don't know where you go but yet you always find me." You smiled.
"Well what can I say I'm great at finding things." He smiled.
"One last kiss?" You asked.
He smiled and cupped your face and gave you one last kiss goodnight.
"Goodnight." You both said and walked away.

You went inside and you instantly smelt dinner and saw Trudy on the couch.
"Where were you?" She asked.
"Well I went to the library to read and get some ideas for my story and I just lost track of time I'm sorry." You said.
"That's fine just don't let it happen again." Trudy warned.
You nodded and went upstairs and just then you saw Joe and Phil come in and you went to the kitchen to get ready for dinner. Just then Frank entered and he whispered to you and Joe "Rosegrave is a front for a secret society in Bridgeport and mom was investigating them."
"A secret society are you kidding me?" You whispered.
"F/N and I found that the piece of fabric comes from Chief Colig's coat." Joe informed. "We found it at his house."
"Why didn't you stay inside?" Frank hissed.
"You know us Frank. Plus if we didn't we wouldn't have found out this vital piece of information." You argued.
"There is someone out there that wants to kill you. Does that scare you? Because that scares me." Frank said.
"Ta-da!" Trudy said bringing in dinner.
"It looks good." You said.
"What did I miss?" She asked.
"Nothing." You, Frank, and Joe answered in unison.
"My mistake I must have mistaken hunger for cold deep tension." She said.
"Let's start eating." You said trying to act normal and took a bite out of the food.

It was the next day after Frank went to Rosegrave again to meet with the dean but mysteriously he left and hid a note for Frank.
"You'll find the answers in your mother's past." You repeated. "That's cryptic."
"How are we suppose to find out about her? Ask grandma?" Joe asked.
"Even if she was involved she'd never tell us the truth." Frank stated.
"What you don't think she's going to admit to Rosegrave trying to brainwash you into a secret society." Joe smiled.
"You sound like Phil right now." You said with a laugh.
"Do you want conspiracy theories because I got conspiracy theories." Joe said.
"Great as if my brain doesn't hurt enough right now." Frank said.
"I think grandma wants you or F/N to run the entire society to do what mom wouldn't do. Do you think the dean got scared and bailed?" Joe asked.
"That would be too coincidental I think someone might have threatened him." You said.
"I agree." Frank said.
"If they know about him spilling secrets then they know about you asking questions. So I guess we all have targets on our bac-" Joe began and then he was pushed.

"Joe!" You yelled and then you were pushed as well and you saw the Tall Man grab Frank and hold him by his shirt.
"Where is the piece?" He asked.
"What piece?!" Frank yelled struggling.
"Leave him alone!" You yelled and hit him with a garbage can causing Frank to get out his grasp. Joe ran in front of you and you helped Frank up and ran and while the Tall Man was running after a car came and hit him.
A girl wearing black got out of the car and you were horrified at what you just witnessed.

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