Chapter 40

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Madden's POV
22 years old

   Do you ever feel like your life is passing you by and you have no control over it or don't even realize how you got here in the first place?

   Because that's how I felt everyday since I had said yes to marrying West.

   Everyone had clapped and cheered, like it was the best decision ever. And they told me my wedding was going to be the best day of my life and a day I'd never forget, and I had always known that. My mom always told me about her wedding day to my dad, and I remembered being a little girl and just dreaming about that day.

   The only problem was, when I picture the man I'm walking down the aisle to, West isn't who I see standing at the end waiting for me.

   I see one face and one face only, and he felt so far out of my reach these days it almost took my breath away.

   "So I'm thinking you'll get married in the early summer months, that way it's not too hot and not too cold. Just perfect." West's mom, Chantelle, tells me. "I've already hired a wedding coordinator/director and she'll take care of everything. You won't have to make a single decision about this day."

   She beams at me like that's the best news and just what I wanted to hear. But it's not.

   "I uh, actually, want to get married back at home where I'm from, and I don't need a coordinator." I tell her.

    "In North Carolina?" She laughs. "Why on earth would anyone want to get married there?"

    "That's where I'm from, and I've always pictured being married there since I was a little girl."

   "Well, I can see why you would want that, but-"

   "Mother," West interrupts while steadily typing away on his computer. "We talked about this. Madeline is in charge of our wedding, not you."

    His mom heaves a sigh at the reminder, like the thought is just painful for her to let me, the bride, decide what I want my wedding day to look like and where it would take place.

    "If us getting married in North Carolina is what she wants, then that is what is going to happen."

   I have to stop myself from smiling at Chantelle, knowing being petty wouldn't help the situation.

   "Right, well, are there any places in mind where you'd like the wedding to be?" She asks.

   I just shrug. "I always just pictured myself getting married on the beach where I used to spend all my days. That's where I was always happiest." I'd give anything now to be there instead of here.

    Chantelle looks like I've just admitted to mass murder. "A beach? Can you imagine the sand? The wind? How would we have enough seating or parking for all the guest-"

    "We don't need a huge wedding." I interject. "I was thinking we would just have close friends and family, and that's it. Like 100 people, maximum."

   I wasn't too keen on spending my wedding day with hundreds of people I had never met before in my life.

   "That is just not probable, not with the lifestyle we lead. You have to-"

   "Mom, why don't you go inside and ask Linda to make me and Madeline something for lunch?" West says, shutting his laptop computer screen loudly.

   His mom huffs in response, but stands up from the outdoor table were all eating at and stomps her way inside to find the poor worker they use like a mule to do all their normal everyday tasks that they're too lazy to complete themselves.

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