Chapter 21

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Harry's POV
19 Years Old

RJ and I were upstairs in my room playing a video game while waiting on Baker and Madden to get out school when it happened.

"I'm whooping your ass!" RJ boasted, as his running back on the football game we were playing took of down the field and scored a touchdown for his team.

"I'm still beating you by three touchdowns, dumbass. You are not whooping my anything."

My door opened so suddenly it hit the wall behind it and startled us both. My mom stood in the doorway looking flustered and anxious. I don't know how else to describe the expression on her face.

"Where's the fire, Mrs. S?" RJ jokes, always loving to give my mom a hard time because she always dishes it right back.

"Turn the game off and come on, we have to go." The quiver in her voice is the only thing that tells me this is serious, not a joke. My mom doesn't get worked up easily.

"What's going on?" RJ asks, as we stand from the bed and I turn off my gaming console.

"There's a shooter at the school. Your dad just got a call at the hospital to be ready to have student's brought in."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, not believing her. That kind of shit didn't happen here, it was unheard of.

"We'll talk more about it on the way, but we have to go now and pick up Madden, Edge and Baker's moms. They don't know yet." She turns and rushes from the room without another word.

RJ and I exchange a worried glance before we both tear out of my room and pass my mom on the stairs.

"Where are you going?!" She yells after us.

"You go get them, we're taking my truck to the school." Hell no we're not waiting around on her picking them up. We need to get there now.

"Harry, no!" She argues, but I'm already out the door and rounding my truck to get in the driver seat.

RJ hops in on the passenger side and already has his phone out as we spin tires leaving my driveway.

"Cmon, pick up pick up pick up." He mutters and then pulls the phone away. "Fuck! Bake didn't answer."

"Try all 3 of them and don't stop." I say, and try to keep my fucking cool.

Looking at the speedometer on my truck, I see we're going nearly 90 mph, but it doesn't feel fast enough.

"None of them." RJ says and drops the phone in his lap. "Who the fuck would shoot up the school the day before spring break starts?"

I just shake my head, not really having words right now. All I can think about is Madden, and if she's safe. How scared she must be and what's she bound to have seen in those hallways if my dad has been called and forewarned about kids coming in.

Finally, after a few more minutes and running every red light and stop sign we came to, we pull up to the school, and see that it's surrounded by fucking cops, ambulance, fire trucks, SWAT vans, news crews and everything else. You name it, they were there.

I run the truck up on some random curb in the grass, and RJ and I jump out and take off running to the school where everyone is standing out front.

We look around cluelessly, having no idea what to even do in a situation like this. Finally, a man in a suit who looks like he works for the FBI or something steps up and speaks to the crowd.

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