Chapter 38

213 13 13

Madden's POV
22nd Bday Party

   "What is it with you and birthday parties?" West asks as he rests one hand on my knee and the other is steering the car.

   "What do you mean?"

   "You're shaking like a leaf over there."

    "It's just..this is a party for me apparently but I'm not sure I'm going to know anyone there. It makes me nervous to think about meeting everyone." I admit. The crowd that the Bennington family ran with were all just as rich and pretentious as they were, and all very intimidating to meet for the first time.

   "Is there something else you would rather we do?"

   Images of Harry surprising me with a cupcake at my front door on my 9th birthday flashed into my mind. Red velvet, which he knew was my favorite.

   On my 13th birthday he snuck into my room that night and we laid in my bed and watched my favorite scary movies all night until I fell asleep. He didn't let go of my hand all night.

   No crazy party, no outrageous gifts, just quality time spent with me doing my favorite things and eating my favorite treats. That's usually how I liked to spend my birthdays, because those were the things that made me happy.

   ", this is fine." I give him my best smile, but feel myself tense up even more as we pull into the driveway of his parents house.

Even the freaking driveway is lined with balloons and some kind of fancy gold streamers.

West parks his car and then gets out and opens my door for me, offering his arm to me.

"You look beautiful, Madeline." He says, peering down at me as we walk into the house together.

"Thank you. You picked out a beautiful dress." West had picked me out a black dress that fell right above my knees and had bell sleeves with a see through bodice. It was a beautiful dress, really, it just wasn't me.

Or the black stilettos that my feet were cased into.

"Should I be nervous?" I asked West, as he led us into a part of the house I hadn't been into yet. The house was completely silent and empty, only adding to my nerves.

"No, you should be excited."

No sooner than West said that, did he stop in front of double doors and push them open into a dimly lit room, but I could feel the presence of other people around us.

The lights came on suddenly and a room full of strangers came into view, and they all screamed "SURPRISE!" Loudly.

I was shocked, and honestly a little scared. Looking around the room in a quick scan, I hardly recognized anyone.

   West grabbed my face and kissed me deeply in front of everyone, and I heard cheers go up around us all over again, and I did my best not to rip my mouth away from his like I wanted to.

   "Madden!" I heard as soon as I  immediately broke away from West, and I looked over to see my mom running towards me, her cheeks glowing with happiness and what I could guess was alcohol.

   "Mom?" I couldn't believe she was here! She wrapped her arms around me, and over her shoulder I saw my whole family from Surf City standing there smiling at me. "Oh my god, no way!"

My eyes landed on Harry, and the sight of him in a tailored tuxedo was just..overwhelming? I don't even know how to describe how I felt as my eyes traveled up and down his body relentlessly. I had never seen him in anything so fancy, and he of course was the most gorgeous man here, without even trying or realizing it.

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