Chapter 13

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Madden's POV
The Next Morning

I wake up the next morning, and my whole body feels like it's been hit head on by a Mac truck. Especially my head and in between my thighs.

Before I opened my eyes, I prayed and prayed that the night before was just a horrific dream. That those things really didn't happen to me by 3 guys I've known since elementary school.

But it did, and no amount of praying or wishing can change that.

When I look around the room, I see RJ, Edge, and Baker all littered on the floor around Harry's room, and Harry is laying with his back up against mine.

I can't believe they all know what happened to me, and I can't believe how easily Harry took me in last night after the way I've treated him for the last year and a half.

He didn't deserve that, and I damn sure didn't deserve him now.

I clear my throat, it's aching so bad it feels like I've swallowed knives. When I sit up in bed, all 4 of the guys stir in their sleep like they heard me.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks in his morning voice that I've missed so much, rolling over and peering up at me.

His expression darkens, and I can only imagine what my face looks like now.

I clear my throat again. "I was just going to go get something to drink. My throats a little sore."

"Stay here, I'll get it." Harry throws the covers off himself and I noticed he slept in pajama pants and a shirt. Which I know he only did for me, because the boy has always slept in only his underwear or completely nude.

I sit back against the headboard and notice all the other guys are awake and now sitting up and looking at me too.

None of them are talking, just staring at me.

"Stop looking at me like that." I say to them, hating how this feels so awkward between us when it's never been like this before in our whole lives.

"We're sorry..we just don't know what to say." RJ says.

"Or how to act." Baker adds on.

Edge just sits silently, looking at me with a heartbroken expression on his face. I can't be mad at him either, I know he's always felt things more intensely than any of the other ones.

"Just be normal with me, thats what I need more than anything else from all of you right now."

RJ nods. "Wanna go have breakfast? I'll make you my famous omelettes."

"I'd love that." I try, keep the tears from my eyes, but it's useless.

"Let's go then."

We all get up out of the bed, but I make a quick stop into Harry's bathroom to look myself over and go to the bathroom before heading down there. I need a minute to gather myself, and I can't do that around all of them when they're acting so different.

Looking in the mirror is a lot harder than I expected. I'm still me, but I feel so different on the inside. But on the outside I still look the same, aside from the markings covering my body. My insides feel like that too, beaten and broken. Used.

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