Chapter 34

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Madden's POV
21 years old

"You know, I've never seen anyone more nervous for a baby's birthday party." West teases me as we make the short walk together to the Styles household.

"I'm not nervous. Why would you say that?"

He tugs on my bottom lip that is currently pressed between my teeth. "If you gnaw on this lip any harder, you're going to chew a hole in it."

"Okay, so I'm a little nervous." I amended. "But it's just because I haven't seen all of them in over a year."

"And has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're getting ready to see your ex?"

West could read me like a book. He always could. "I'm nervous about seeing all of them, not just him. But he's part of it, yes. We didn't leave on the best of terms."

If you call bad me sneaking out of his bed in the morning after he gave me more orgasms than I could count.

   "Well I think it's been long enough that the both of you can put the past behind you and be happy for each other, right?"

   "Yeah." I clear my throat. "Of course."

   And I was happy for Harry, at least happier than I was for him before his son was born. But I had seen plenty of pictures and heard tons of stories from my mom to know that Harry was doing great, and he was an amazing dad, like I always knew he would be.

   I was proud of him if nothing else.

   West and I walked up the driveway hand in hand together, and I could see the extravagant decorations that were covering the front lawn of the house. There were tents and tables sat up everywhere, and they had balloons and streamers covering both. The theme was "Wild One" and they had a live petting zoo set up for the kids in their front yard.

"They really went all out for this little boy, didn't they?" West asks, looking around at all the party stuff and the guests.

And if West says something is over the top, that's saying something. His family didn't do simple, they did over the top and almost rambunctious, because that's just how much money they had.

West's family owned a publicist company and represented all kinds of famous people that lived in the California area. West's dad had retired two years ago and passed the reins down to his eldest son, who was of course West. West had hired on more employees to help with the load of everything, but he still handled the biggest clients himself and was constantly busy. He was always away on business meetings or discussing some kind of drama on the phone with something and coming up with solutions to problems.

It was a miracle he was even able to get away for a weekend to come home with me.

"Madden Crowne! Is that you, or are my baby blues playing tricks on me?" Baker yelled across the yard, where he was standing under a tent talking to others.

I smiled as I placed my present down on the gift table, and of course saw Baker sprinting towards me now that he had laid eyes on me.

Baker and RJ had come and visited me twice again since they had come for Spring break, but that still wasn't enough when we used to spend every day of our child hood together.

He swept me off of my feet and spun me around, like he always did. His familiar scent and feeling of being in his arms making me feel so comforted I wanted to cry. There was just something about coming home that always pulled at someone, no matter how long they had been gone.

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