Chapter 27

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Madden's POV
6 months gone

" the hell do you keep saying no to these fine ass men?" Imogene asked as she stared at me like I had a third eye.

"Easy. They probably made the same offer to two other girls tonight as well."

"Well they wouldn't have to do that if you would just say yes!"

"I have no interest in going home with some random and probably contracting god knows how many diseases." I said, and refilled a couple of empty drinks I noticed on the bar and took some order from a few of my regulars.

"If you use a condom, the chance of you contracting anything like that is very minimal."

"If that is supposed to encourage me to have sex with multiple, random's not working."

Imogene throws her hands up at me. "You're impossible! I hope to God you have a dildo in your night stand that can perform back flips on your clit, because I just don't understand how one can go so long without sex!"

I laughed at her words, and did my best not to let her see the sadness that actually provoked from me.

It was incredibly easy to say no to random hook ups when you had been raped by 3 boys you had known your whole life, and only willingly gave yourself to one boy who you had loved with your whole heart.

Not had loved. Still loved.

Finally the bar was busy enough to where Imogene couldn't harass me anymore about the lack of attention my vagina was getting from the opposite sex, and we both got down to business on a crazy Saturday night.

It was football night and the bar was literally packed to the brim, and we were running out of shut left and right. Which was fine by me, it made the night go by that much faster and my pockets always left a little heavier on nights like these.

Around 2:30, we closed the bar and wiped everything down. I tied up the last bag of trash and walked out the back door to toss it in the dumpster we had back there.

Taking a second to take a breath, I crossed my arms and leaned back to look at the sky, always finding it how crazy different it looked here than from back home.

I had been gone 6 months now, and my parents finally knew where I was. To say they were happy I was in school would have been an understatement, and they were more than compliant about paying for school and helping me afford my living arrangements.

I said yes to the help for paying my schooling, but told them I had a job and a roommate and would continue to pay for our little house like we had been before. We still had our struggles, but everything was settling down and I was finding it easy to forget about a lot of things when you're surround by thousands of people who have no idea who you really are.

I wasn't the girl who had been raped. I wasn't the girl who was best friends with the guy who killed people. I was just Madeline. I was me, and I could be whoever I wanted to be here, and it was so easily accepted.

It was probably what I loved most about being here, aside from the ocean of course.

I turned when I heard the back door open and slam against the brick siding of the building.

"Hey! You ready to head out? My dogs are barking!" Imogene said.

"Yeah, let's head out."

We walked back in together and grabbed our bags from under the bar, our tips, said goodnight to everyone still there, and then made our exit outside.

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