Chapter 15

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Madden's POV
16 years old

    "Why are you crying?" Harry asks me, voice sounding completely exasperated.

    "It's a wedding! Everyone cries at weddings." I wipe my eyes to try and rid the evidence, but it's no use.

    "I don't."

    "Well we all know you're not a huge emotional person."

    Harry glances around the room before returning his focus on me. "You're like one of five people who are crying. I think you're just crazy."

   "And I think you better shut up before I sock you in that smart ass mouth of yours."

   His small grin appears. "You love me and my mouth, smart ass comments and all."

   Ugh. His mouth. Why didn't he have to bring my thoughts back to it? I had just forgotten our conversation in the truck and was starting to feel normal again and not like my body was sitting on a live wire.

   Suddenly two arms wrap around me and pick me up from behind, twirling me in a circle.

   "Look at you, looking all beautiful and ladylike." Baker says jokingly as he sets me back down on my feet, keeping his one arm around my shoulder.

"What do you mean 'look'? I am a lady!"

Baker just rolls his eyes and scoffs. "You cuss like a sailor and throw a punch like a man, you're no lady."

I slug him one good time in the stomach for his teasing, and he of course has to pick me up again and start tossing me around, just because he can. When he finally settles down, I run my hands up and down the lapels of the suit jacket he has on.

"You look mighty dapper yourself today." I pinch his cheeks just for good measure and start giggling when he swats my hands away.

Baker smiles proudly and places a noisy kiss on my cheek.

"That's enough of that." Harry says good-naturedly, and then the two of them start exchanging punches and jokes at each other about being dressed up.

   The boys hardly ever have shoes and a shirt on, much less dress pants and button down shirts with expensive leather brown shoes.

"Let's get a picture!" I say excitedly as I see Edge walking over to us too from where he had been sitting with his parents. "RJ! Come here real quick!"

RJ waltz over and makes a grand gesture towards himself in his 4 piece suit that I know cost his dad a fortune, not that his dad even took notice.

He was the only financial advisor around our area, and he was more than compensated for all his work.

"Tell me I'm not the most handsome guy here." He says jokingly as he walks up to us and snatches me up off my feet much like Baker did. My feet hardly ever touched the ground when these boys were around.

"Other than the groom I would have to agree." I say and wrap my arms tightly around him, so happy his dad and him have found someone to help fill the gap his mother left in both of their hearts when she passed away all those years ago.

"Is that a gross, but nice, way of saying you think my dad is hot?"

I waggle my eyebrows suggestively and giggle when they all start moaning and groaning. Some things  would never change, and them understanding that I find guys attractive is one of them.

"Enough of all your huffing and puffing, let me get a group picture of all of you dressed up and looking so handsome!"

They all of course act like I'm breaking their legs, but finally, they line up and wrap an arm around each other's shoulder and smile for the camera when I say so.

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