Chapter 35

210 14 11

Harry's POV
22 years old

"Time for the cake everyone!" My mom yells, breaking the stare I'm holding with West.

"Come on bud, we have to go blow out your candles." I say to August and reach to grab him out of Madden's arms.

"Mad! Mad!" He yells back, and grabs onto Madden's shirt, not wanting to leave her arms.

"I'm coming to watch you, buddy. I'm not going anywhere, okay?" She says to him sweetly, and I see my boy fall into a trance while listening to her.

The same damn trance I had been under for 15 years.

Finally, he releases Madden's shirt and falls into my waiting arms. I carry him up to the front of party and place him in the high chair with the huge balloons behind it spelling out the number 1.

My mom places the small smash cake in front of August, and he wastes no time slamming his little hands into it and shoveling the cake and icing into his mouth as fast as he can without choking.

   Everyone in the crowd watching him is laughing and smiling, and I see Madden is smiling the biggest out of almost everyone else as she watches him adoringly. I look beside her and see West is looking right at me as he watches me watch her, and he looks anything but happy in this moment.

   Which only makes me smile widely at him.

   We sing happy birthday to my little man and I help him open all his gifts, him not really giving a shit about any of it and just wanting more cake.

   After everything is cleaned up, people disperse a little and start talking amongst themselves. RJ and Baker walk up to me just as August is being grabbed by my mom to go and have his diaper changed.

   "Did you meet dickhead?" Baker asks, eyeing Madden and her boyfriend across the yard, who are currently speaking to her parents.

   He has his hand resting on the small of her back and laughing at something her dad is saying to them both. I have visions in my head of ripping his hand off and throwing it to the sharks, but I know that's just my irrational side speaking. 

   Madden appears to be not listening and is instead staring at her feet.

   "Yeah, we met briefly."

   "I don't like him." Baker says.

   "You said all of 10 words to him." RJ rolls his eyes. "You have no reason not to like him."

   "Well I don't and I'm not going to." He shakes his head in thought. "I just don't have a good feeling about him. And why does he talk like that?"

   "Like what?"

   "Like he has a silver spoon shoved up his ass."

   I chuckle, and RJ just glares, knowing the two of us are going to be hard to handle while that prick is around.  

   My mom walks up to Madden and her parents and says something, to which Madden's mom gushes over and squeezes August's belly lovingly.

   My mother says something to Madden, who hasn't taken her eyes off of August since he was brought to them. She hesitates at whatever my mom asked of her, and then nods and takes my son from my mom.

   I watch as West's hands grip in frustration as she walks off with him and heads towards the house.

   My mom ambles over and informs me she asked Madden if she wanted to lay August down for his nap, to which she accepted.

The Time Capsule (Harry Styles Fanfic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant