tokoyami fumikage - goners

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#7: free day
thanks for sticking with me through these 7 stories!
short and sweet soulmate au.

CW: slight cursing, death

behind you.

my soulmate's last words.

those two words that were etched into my skin the moment i was born. ominous, i know. but i learnt how to accept it. i just hope that i'd be able to spend time with them before something bad happens. at least i'd have lesser regrets.

i absentmindedly looked at the time. oh shit. i've got to prepare to go to work soon. if i'm late, i'll never hear the end of it. well, i guess that's what i get for constantly daydreaming and spacing out.

i got ready in record time, so i headed out to my workplace. it's nearby, so i decided to walk there.

after clocking in, i went straight to the check-out counter, since it was my turn to be the cashier this week.

afterwards, nothing much happened. it was... just a normal day. i dreamt about meeting them again. i counted money. i imagined my life with them. honestly, i spent so much time daydreaming that i'm surprised nobody has caught me for it yet.

and then he came. honestly, i didn't pay much attention to him at first when he walked in. he seemed like another customer on a friday evening. donning on complete black clothing, with an exception of the eye-catching red choker he wore. a real fashionable individual to say the least. red eyes, yellow beak. just a customer.

as he walked around the store, he spoke to what i assume was related to his quirk. it would give him suggestions on what to buy, and he'd place it into his basket. okay, maybe i was lying about saying that i paid no attention to him. i didn't know why, but i felt such a strong attraction to him.

half an hour after he came in, he approached my counter. i'd be lying if i said that my heart wasn't pounding.

i steadied my shaking hands as he plopped his basket on the conveyor. i scanned his items, stealing a glance or two at him as i did so. he wasn't looking in my direction, so i was kind of relieved.

i didn't really want him to leave before i even got a word out of him, but i didn't know how to start a conversation with him.

that's when he muttered, "it's... tokoyami fumikage."

i looked at him, face reddening when i realised.

"ah, i-i'm y/n," was the only thing i could stutter. shit, this means that he noticed.

not wanting to for any awkward tension to form, i tapped in a few numbers. i looked up from the register, telling him, "anyways, your total is $10.95."

i looked at him. he was rummaging through his wallet, but he paused when i told him the total of his purchase. he looks up me, eyes wide. he then looks to somewhere behind me.

"behind you."

my face paled. i looked back.

the last thing i saw were multiple people in black entering the store as the everyone screamed.

then nothing.

that day, the news of the disastrous terrorist attack at this store was reported nationwide. no survivors were found.

a pity, isn't it?

i never got the chance to spend my life with my soulmate.

the soulmate that i just met.

- fin -

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