shōto todoroki- lucked out

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request by @videlxox

CW: cursing, a little nsfw

this wasn't how i imagined my whole evening to play out.

maybe i should've been more firm about saying no. but i just felt so bad for rejecting mina. when she made that sad puppy face, i caved in. god, she always does that to me.

that girl knows every single one of my weak spots.

she was the one who dressed me up, giving me a newly bought outfit suitable for the party. after a few touch-ups here and there, she grabbed me by the wrist, dragging me to the venue which was just 5 minutes away.

when we reached, i honestly didn't expect much. maybe i should've. as the door opened, i was hit with bright, flashing lights. loud music was playing too, escaping through every crack and crevice it could. as if it wanted to be heard.

i really should've gone home right there and then. but mina's grip on my hand was real tight, and i was too even lazy to fight back.

"why didn't you tell me that everybody was coming?" i whispered to her, pulling her closer to me as i did so.

"relax, it's a party after all. now go have fun, i'll just go get us some snacks."

"wait, mina-"

i couldn't even complete my sentence before she walked away. right now, i was standing near the doorway awkwardly. i didn't know what to do at the moment.

biting my cheeks and cursing internally, i walked further in. while squeezing through the crowd of people, out of nowhere, someone tapped on my shoulder. i spun around.

"hey... y/n! wow, didn't think you'd be here. we're playing 7 minutes in heaven and we need people to join. so... follow me!" a familiar blonde said to me. of course, it was kaminari.

he then dragged me to wherever they were playing the game, not even giving me a chance to protest. what is up with people not letting me finish my sentence?

i was led to this area where there were already a few of our classmates gathered in a circle. sitting down, i watched as kaminari walked to the centre. i guess he was leading this whole thing.

he started explaining the rules, but i wasn't really listening. they were simple enough to understand anyways. he spins a bottle, whichever two people it lands on has to spend seven minutes together in the closet. no more, no less.

and so it began. the lucky pair of each round would go in and out of the closet. nothing much could be heard, other than the occasional thumping and moans. but that was it, nothing too lewd.

most of the people sitting around had already went in at least once, other than the select few like me. i didn't mind it that much.

now that's when i should've backed out of the game sooner.

kaminari spun the bottle, and the first person it landed in was todoroki. i didn't pay much attention, continuing to scroll around on my phone. it was only when the blonde had called my name twice did i register what was happening.

i looked towards the bottle, where it was pointing in my direction. ah shit.

with everyone's eyes on me, i stood up. i walked towards the closet door, where he stood. my heart was thumping so violently against my chest. yet, the half-and-half male seemed unfazed by what was happening at the moment.

sometimes, i wish he'd showed more emotion.

the door opens, revealing the small and dark space we had to stay in for seven minutes. kaminari gave us a little push into the space.

"have fun!"

and the door closes. click.

what an awkward and nerve-wrecking situation we were in.

i stayed silent, because i was too anxious. i mean, what am i supposed to do when i'm thrown into a room with a really attractive person? the possibilities are endless.

i leaned against the wall, looking down. i hoped that he would at least say something to lighten the mood.

"so... what would you like to do?"

i blinked, slightly stunned by his question.

i continued staring at my feet as i replied, "i honestly don't know what we should do in here."

and it was silent again.

i wasn't sure how much time had passed, probably a few seconds, but it felt so long.

that's when i heard footsteps and the shuffling of clothes. before i knew it, i felt a warm presence towering in front of me.

he placed his hands on the wall beside me, leaning down slightly as he whispered, "then, will you let me show you what we should do?"

what a smooth fucker.

i clammed up, cheeks exploding into deeper shades of red. i could only stutter out a 'yes'.

he bent down a little lower, since he was way taller than i was. i could feel his breath on my face as he inches closer and closer. his hands slid down from the wall onto me. one rested on my waist, the other on the back of my neck. our faces, so close yet so far apart.

he pulls me closer. i closed my eyes.

his lips, so cold yet so hot.

they were as sweet as candy, and i couldn't help but want more of them.

i wrapped my arms around his neck, hands reaching into his hair. he pulled me by the waist, pulling me closer to him.

the kiss started out soft. as time went on, and as he pulled me closer, it slowly increased in intensity. he had pulled me so close to him that our bodies were pressed against each other. i was slowly leaning back, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

his insistent mouth parted my already shaking lips, as if wanting taste more of me. and i let him, sinking deeper into his embrace.

i felt like i was flying. it felt so surreal, our lips on each other's. i clung onto him as if i would fall if i didn't, as if my life depended on it.

he let go of me slightly, pulling back a little to catch his breath. i did the same, panting softly as i did so.

he suddenly places his arms around my thighs, lifting me up. straddling his hips, i was now looking down at him.

"your legs must be tired."

i looked into his eyes, illuminated by the light slipping in through the tiny crack under the door. bringing my face closer to his, our lips met once again.

he sinks down onto the floor. i was now sitting on his lap, my legs at his sides.

his hands started exploring my body, as if they had a mind of their own. from my hair to my neck, from my waist to my chest. i didn't protest, letting them travel anywhere they wanted.

just as his hands went into my shirt, reaching for my sensitive spots, a loud knock could be heard.

"7 minutes are up, lovers! time to get out!"

i pulled away from him, slightly disappointed. that's when i felt something poking me. looking down, i realised why, which caused me to blush even harder.

todoroki seemed to be smirking.

"we should continue this later, don't you think?"

- fin -

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