bakugō katsuki - stupid

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request by @taehyxng_k
SIU by maretu

CW: bullying, cursing, death

His hands wrapped around my neck so tightly, not budging despite how hard I clawed at them. I was gasping for air, for his grip was tight, blocking my airway.

I flailed my legs about, hoping to kick him. Yet, he seemed to avoid each hit effortlessly.

"Let. Go." I choked out.

He only grinned sadistically. "Gosh, you're so pathetic and weak! I wonder how you even got into this school?"

A kick to my stomach.

He smiles, "Just jump off a building already. Everything will be better when you're gone!"

He lets go of me, not before pushing me onto the ground and giving me another kick. I wrapped my hands around myself, wincing.

"Suck it up already. That's what you get for being such a fucking loser."

He then walks off, leaving me alone on the floor, injured and in pain.

I don't get it. He targets me every single time, every single day. Kicking, punching, choking me, you name it. Yet, I don't even know why. I've asked him so many times, but he never gave me an answer, only kicking me harder. At least i'm able to somewhat heal myself after each ordeal.

However, it seems that he's been asking me to kill myself lately. I guess it didn't matter whether I was his childhood friend or not; he really wants me dead.

So I guess tomorrow's the day. Tomorrow is going to be the day someone's going to die.

That night, I wrote a letter, requesting that he meet me first thing in the morning at the rooftop. I didn't write my name down, but he'd know that it had come from me.

I arrived in school early, earlier than I had ever arrived before. The hallways were empty, except for me, myself and I. I dropped the letter into his locker, before heading straight up as I awaited his arrival.

Luck or not, he too arrived early today, walking through the gates as if he owns the building. So I waited, watching as he disappeared into the locker area. I waited, listening to the loud footsteps that stormed up the stairs not long after. I waited, letting the cool morning air hit my face as the footsteps came to a stop.

He looks around, finally spotting me leaning against the wall at a corner.

"So, it's you. What the fuck is this all about?"

I looked at him, smiling, "Don't you think the weather's great today?"

He frowned.

"You better tell me what the fuck's going on or you're going to get it."

I started walking towards him, which confused him. The blonde backs away from me as I continued shortening the distance between us, until his back hits the railings.

"Come any closer and i'm going to swing." He tells me, evidently nervous.

"I thought you've always wanted to watch someone take a swan dive off the roof?"

I took another step.

"Well, today's your lucky day!"

he started swinging his arms.

As quickly as I could, I bent down, avoiding his punches while I lifted him by the legs, which caused him to lose his balance and tip over the edge. I removed his shoes swiftly, before pushing him off the roof and sending him flying down to his doom.

And then, I waited.

I placed his shoes on the ground and waited.

Alas, the long awaited 'thud' came, though slightly faint considering how high up I was.

I glanced down over the edge before I walked away, listening to the screams of horrified students down below.

- fin -

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