takami keigo - bird's nest

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request by @annabeth72
i hear a symphony by cody fry
au where reader has a quirk similar to hawks.

CW: coarse language, mentions of blood, gore/violence

It hurts.

Fuck, it really hurts.

It felt as if someone were ripping my skin, over and over again. I collapsed on the floor, gritting my teeth as I writhe in pain. Gosh, moving about sent waves of agony throughout my body, so the only thing I could do was to stay still.

If only I didn't get caught up in that stupid fight.

I heard a commotion while I was roaming the alleyway, in search of a place to rest. I could hear someone pleading for help as somebody hit them repeatedly. I, wanting to be a 'hero' for whatever reason, thought that I should help them. And so I did, but I wonder where that brought me.

There I laid on the concrete floor, slowly crawling my way out of the alleyway. They'd cut up parts of my wings, whacking me with wooden boards as I unsuccessfully defended myself. At least whoever they were targeting beforehand managed to get away. I, on the other hand, ended up with a possibly broken nose, large bruises and missing parts of my wings.

Moving hurt like a bitch, but I had to at least find someone that could help me. Maybe, just maybe, I'd stumble upon a miracle once I crawl out of that stink hole .

I was damn near passing out right there and then, but I persevered. Yet,  when I thought I had safely made my way out, a figure stood in front of me. They cast a shadow over me, blocking the light from the street lamps. I didn't look up, fearing for the worst as I thought that this was the end for me.

Just as I started losing consciousness, they picked me up, hauling me over their shoulder. I was confused. Then it started feeling like we were flying, from the way I could feel the wind against my face. The last thing I saw were a pair of crimson red wings.

When I woke up, all I could feel was a dull throbbing pain all over my body. I didn't know where I was, but the smell of antiseptic was strong.

As I tried to get up, someone suddenly spoke.

"Woah there, I don't think you should get up."

I froze, afraid of whoever they might be. They seemed to have walked closer, as I could hear them speaking right next to me.

"Here, let me change your bandages."

They gently placed their hands on my shoulder, removing the cloth wrapped around it as they put on new ones. I sat there, flinching with their every touch.

This doesn't look like a hospital. It looks... more like someone's home. I turned towards the stranger.

When I looked them in the eye, I paused. I know them.

"Aren't you... Aren't you Hawks?"

He nodded his head, grinning, "You're right; I'm Hawks."

He tightens the bandage, tying it up to seal the wound. "Now, what's a kid like you doing on the streets, beat up and all?"

I didn't reply him, only leaning back against a pillow. I was contemplating whether or not tell him that I ran away from home. The day he found me, i've been gone for what, 2 weeks?

I sat there for about five minutes, while he glanced at my way every so often. Maybe he felt that he had asked a personal question, from the way he didn't really pressure me to answer. But I did. Well, I felt inclined to tell him anyways.

And so I let all the words spill out. I told him my whole story. Why I ran away, how I ended up injured, everything. By the time I finished, he sat next to me on the sofa, crossing his arms.

His expression was hard to read. He didn't show that much emotion, only sitting there silently as he stared into space.

Once I was done, I quickly added, "Anyways, thanks for helping me. I think I should be on my way..." I trailed off, not knowing where I was going.

Maybe i'll just leave now to save us some awkward silence.

I stood up, wincing slightly at the throbbing pain on my back. I steadied myself, before walking towards the front door.

Not one step has been taken when he asks, "Why don't you stay here then? For however long you want."

I blinked. "Stay here? No, No I can't. That's not..."

"You don't have to worry about anything, you know," he continued, "Though the choice is up to you, my offer still stands."

"I know what you're thinking; How're you suppose to pay me back. Maybe flying competitions now and then and i'll call it even. So what do you say?"

I fiddled with my hands nervously.

A proper roof over my head, warmth, food and water provided. Hell, he's even giving me free training lessons? So enticing, yet i'm torn into two.

Gosh, you know what? Fuck it, it's not like I have anywhere else to go.

"Are you really, really sure I can stay with you?" I asked, eyes twinkling with hope.

He smiled, patting my back a little too hard.

"Of course."

- fin -

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