takami keigo - unintentional

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#1: "it wasn't meant to go this far. i swear."
welcome to my self-created 7 short stories of angst (you know, like angst week)!

CW: slight cursing, cheating

I was in love with him.

Really, really, in love with him.

So much so, that J didn't acknowledge the red flags.

So much so, that I did not take notice of his changing attitude.

Because I truly believed that he loved me this whole time.

I really enjoyed the times we spent together. Be it holding each other close, or lying next to one another. I looked forward to these moments we shared. Well, that's if you considered sleeping together as spending time. Yea, that kind of sleeping together. But I didn't mind.

I really thought that we did all this out of love. Out of our passion for each other. I never once thought that it was done purely out of lust. Guess I should've opened my eyes wider, huh?

Maybe I should've cared more, when he started spending more time outside. He'd always say that it was 'for work'. Of course, my stupid ass believed him. I mean, who wouldn't want to trust their significant other? Lest doubt the loyalty of the well-known pro-hero? I felt bad for even having the slightest bit of doubt. Gosh, I should've just trusted my gut feeling.

Maybe I should've paid more attention to how he got more secretive about everything and anything. He wouldn't leave his phone unguarded anymore. He never lets me peek over his shoulder either. Obviously, I didn't really mind. I still had this tiny glimmer of hope; You know, maybe he's hiding a present from me? I don't know.

I trusted him wholeheartedly. Foolishly. Not once did I even try considering that there was something wrong.

Well, so guess what happened, when I turned on the television today. The news of the winged pro-hero getting married was spreading like wildfire. But, the picture they showed wasn't me. Oh no, it was of this well-known socialite in Japan.

The photos they showed were of them at different social events. Holding each other's hands. Dancing so happily with one another. Kissing one another so passionately.

I turned off the television. I stared at the blank screen, unable to fully comprehend what I had just seen. My hand, which was holding the remote, was shaking. I reached for my phone.

And what do you know, on every social media platform possible, the news of the marriage was being talked about. Lucky me.

Coincidentally, I started receiving a few messages from the newly-wedded hero himself. He said he missed me, telling me that he was coming over.

Missed me? I didn't know whether to be heartbroken or fucking mad at the audacity of this bitch. I chose the latter.

Not long after, he slipped in from the window, coming towards me to hug me. He was pretending nothing was wrong. But everything was.

I stepped back before he could come any closer. I blew up, screaming. He looked shocked, to say the least. My face, contorted into one of anger and sadness. My hands, gripping my hair and clothes so tightly.

When he understood why I was like that, it looked as if he was slightly annoyed.

"Why does that matter? I'm here with you now."

I blinked.

"Why does it matter?" I screamed, "Why does it fucking not? You're married to them now. You lied to me this whole time, you bastard!"

He clicked his tongue, spitting out, "It shouldn't matter because you should know that I don't feel the same about you. You weren't supposed to fall in love."

He turned around to leave, leaving me with my own emotions.

I watched as his red wings slowly faded away.

I... wasn't supposed to fall in love?

He was the first to tell me that he loved me.

He was the first to let me experience what true love was.

And I thought that he had meant it.

I clutched my shirt, still facing the window as I sunk to floor. That day, I bawled my eyes out, screaming till I lost my voice.

- fin -

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