dabi - your majesty

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daisy by ashnikko.
pro-hero reader.

CW: slight violence, cursing


Blue flames enveloped the building. The surrounding temperature rose quickly, causing me to sweat profusely.

I'm glad that I was lucky; I managed to block off the area and rescue trapped civilians before he could get to them. Now it was just him and I.

It sucked that today just had to be the day where i was alone. With no one to back me up, I ran through the building in search of the source of the culprit of the flames.

Reaching the 9th floor landing, I looked around. I found him, blue flames enveloping him and the surrounding area.

Not thinking twice, I ran forward, blasting him with thorns. He turned around, eyes widening before he smiled.

Lucky for him, but sadly for me, he burnt most of them, with only the stronger few managing to pierce him.

Wiping off the thorns and blood from himself, he looked at me. He started laughing like a mad man, as he sent bursts of fire after me.

I ran, ducking behind pillars to escape the scorching hot hell flames that were slowly burning off my costume. I cursed in pain.

Gritting my teeth, I ran to the side, then towards him. I managed to avoid every one of his attacks, save for the occasional wrong moves that cost a tiny bit of hair and skin.

Running towards him again, my palms met with the floor, forcing vines to grow through the concrete. They wrapped around him, tightening with his every move.

He grew angrier by the second. He started burning the vines, but they kept on growing. Though I was happy that I finally had him cornered, I was growing tired. Yikes, growing such large amounts of vines seemed to really take it out of me.

Noticing the vines loosening as I grew weaker by the second, he took the chance to burn away the vines. He then came charging towards me, flames at hand.

I backed away, ready to run away if he shot fire at me. However, what I didn't expect was that he kicked me in the stomach. What a dirty move. I toppled backwards, slamming into the ground hard.

"Not so strong now huh, little one?" He chuckled.

I spit out the blood in my mouth, rubbing my stomach. I tried pushing myself up, but that only lead to him kicking me down again.

I lay there, his feet on my chest pushing me down. It hurt, but K could only grit my teeth. The throbbing pain in my ribs intensified with his every push.

"Your quirk is nothing compared to mine. Next time, try a little harder, if there is a next time."

Blue fire danced around on his palm as he took aim at me. Just as his flames grew bigger, I made a split second decision.

I grabbed his ankle, wrapping vines around them. Vines popped up from behind him too, wrapping around his body tightly.

Taking this opportunity, I pulled on his leg. He fell backwards. Now it was his turn to hit his head on the concrete. This caused his head to start bleeding, turning the ground around him crimson.

Having the advantage now, I decided to sit on his chest. my knees were on his arms, preventing him from touching me. The twines and vines buried his hands and held onto his legs.

Looking at him in the eye, I spat out,

"Fuck you, you bitch. I am so much better than you."

"What the fuck else did you think?"

He looked at me, smiling maniacally. He didn't try moving, only staring at me.

Raising my fists, I told him,

"It's your turn to bow down and kiss on my ring."

"This is going this hurt, and you bet it'll fucking sting."

With that, I slammed my fist onto his face.

- fin -

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