Chapter 14: You're not a burden

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Dexter POV

I heard the soft knocks on the door and answered it with a simple 'come in' before I saw the person peeked inside the room. An uncontrollable smile appeared on my face in an instant. 

"What a surprise! Come in, love." Her presence gleefully made me dropped the document on the desk, giving her my full attention.

"Are you busy right now?" She pushed the door wider with her hands still holding the doorknob.

"What kind of question is that, love? You know I will always put aside everything when it comes to you." I pushed my body up from the chair, moving closer to her.

She rolled her eyes as a response to my words, but I chuckled looking at her cute behavior, knowing that she purposely did that to piss me off. She closed the door behind and walked towards me, standing across me.

"Do you want to sit?" I pulled out the chair near me, but she shook her head refusing it.

"No, just a quick talk." She looked at me with a serious face, crossing her arms on her chest. I leaned towards the edge of the table before gesturing her to continue.

"Ok, shoot. I'm listening."

"About Andrea and her school." I knew what she will say but still choose to listen to her.

"Enlighten me."

"I want Andrea to resume school. She missed it too, it had been a few weeks since she didn't attend school."

"I will find someone for homeschooling. Don't worry about that."

"This is not about homeschooling, Dexter. Even though I lost my memory, but I do remember that you promised to let her go to school. We already talked about her safety issue. So, what is the problem now? You can't make her stay in the house forever like this. She is not a prisoner, Dexter."

"What's wrong with my intention to protect her from the evil world? Did you hit your head too hard that it made you forgot the reason you can't remember about us?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right. I did hit my head too hard, and I forgot I am the reason Andrea needs to stay away from other kids, the school, and can't even enjoy her life like a normal kid."

"I won't allow anything to happen to both of you. This mansion is the safest place. The guards are all around the house."

"You're ridiculous. Have you ever thought about our feeling for being locked in the mansion like this?"

"How about my feeling then? Do you know how worse my days were when you laid unconsciously for freaking two weeks in the hospital? Plus, the injuries that were all over your body, and this stupid memory lost that I need to deal with until today."

"Finally," she snickered, "Someone spits out the truth. So, you do admit that my condition right now made you pissed off. You know what, if I'm your burden, you can let me go, and I don't mind it at all."

I raked my hair as the frustration hit me. I was aware that I can't take back what I said. I inched my body closer to her, but she quickly steps backward with her hands motioning me to stop. A sigh moved past my lips, but I obeyed her.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean it that way. Yes, I admit that the memory loss made me feel bad, but I swear you're not a burden to me, not at all. It will never be like that." I tried to grab her hand, but she swung it before I could reach it.

"Don't touch me! Don't ever try." She spat; the anger was evident on her face. She spun her body around from me, making her back facing me. I stood there with guilt eating me alive.

"Please, don't think like that, love. You know how much I really care about you and Andrea. I'm trying my best to protect both of you, and we haven't got the bastard that caused the accident. I won't allow them to have any chance to hurt you."

No response from her until I heard sobs escaped her lips, and it became louder in the next minute. I didn't expect she will react that way and all I could do was standing there like an idiot looking at her back.

"Hey," I called her, and my hand gently touched her shoulder. I regretted being harsh at her and caused her to have an emotional breakdown. The fact that she was carrying our little Anderson just made it worse.

"Look, I'm sorry for all the things that I said. I didn't mean to hurt you, not even a trace, love. Please, don't cry. I don't want you to feel sad, and it will affect our baby."

I walked to the front so that I could look at her face. Her head hung low as tears still flowing on her cheeks. I saw she massaged her temple as if she were in pain.

"Love, are you okay?" I tilted my head, examining her face.

"My head..." she trailed off. She closed her eyes in a brief moment and I noticed how her body slowly turned weak. Before she falls and hit the floor, I immediately grabbed her body and secured it with my arms. I looked at her unconscious face and slightly shook her body but to no avail.

"Shit! What have I done?"


The Mafia's Bride Trapped In His LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora