Chapter 8: Not really a nice day

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Elsie POV

"Victor, can we stop at the mall for some groceries before going back home?" I asked the driver in the car after leaving Andrea's school.

"Sure, Mrs. Anderson."

I smiled at the name that he called me. Sometimes, it still sounds odd to me even though I have been carried the surname for a while. I took out my phone from my bag and plan to text Dexter that I will drop by the mall for some groceries.

I noticed the car suddenly was out of control which caused me to almost hit my head with the sudden break. Placing the phone aside, my eyes diverted to the road.

"What happens?" I questioned, sensing that something was not right. The way he drove the car convinced me that my assumption was right.

"Someone is following us. The black car at the back. Please hold tightly, ma'am. I need to make sure you are safe!" He said furiously. We were really in danger as I noticed the car tried to collide with our car a few times and purposely hit the back of the car. It happened repeatedly and the dizziness started to hit me.

"Hey, the car has been followed. We need backup. Entrance one." I heard he talked to someone on the phone in a furious tone. I closed my eyes a few times as the sight in front of my eyes really terrified me. I witnessed countless times the black car at the back hit the side that I was sitting as if the person who drove the car can see through the tinted glasses of the car.

"What are we going to do now? Should I call Dexter?" I don't know what I should do to help in this situation.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I already call for help. The guys will be here soon."

Not long after that, the sound of the gunshot caught our attention. The black car was beside us. A man with a black shade yelled from the car, demanding us to stop the car.

"Stop the car!" He repeated a few times before pointed the gun in our direction. Victor ignored him and drove to their side and purposely hit the car to make him lost control. The car immediately bounced to the back, and he took the chance to increase the speed.

I thought everything is under control as the car was finally out of our sight, but I was totally wrong about it. Just in the blink of eyes, the car was behind us again, a guy raised his hand out from the window and pointed the gun at our car. I lowered my body to dodge the bullet. He shot the car's tire and caused Victor to lose his control. It caused the car to hit the roadside and the car instantly flipped.

I screamed out of my lung. Bad thoughts started to occupy my mind. The image of Dexter and Andrea were on my mind. I shut my eyes tightly, don't want to witness it with my eyes and hoping that thing will end in a good way once I open my eyes.

Dexter POV

I arrived at the hospital at the same time the ambulance arrived. My heart breaks at the time my eyes caught her unconscious body while the medical staff carried her on the stretcher. Blood covered her face and some parts of her body; her hair was in a messy condition with dirty stains on her clothes. I rushed to her and tried to talk to her. 

"Love, wake up! You need to be okay!" I walked beside her and held her hand but there wasn't any response from her.

"You need to be okay. Did you hear me?" I raised my voice, hoping that she could hear me. One of the nurses stopped me once they entered the surgery room.

"Sir, please wait outside. We will try our best," she said with her firm voice. I didn't say anything but adhere to her word. I don't want to disturb their time to save Elsie.

I turned to look at my men that were standing there,  Alex was one of them.

"Alex, how's Victor?" I questioned as I didn't see him.

"He is in another surgery room, boss. His condition was critical too. I already informed his wife about the accident and I send our people to fetch her." He informed me.

"Did you get any information about the accident? The car that hit them and what happened to that bastard?"

"We are still investigating that, boss."

"Make it fast and get me that bastard. I'm going to make him pay for this." I raised my voice as the anger started to boil in the pit of my stomach.

"You can leave now, Alex. Take them with you," I said while massaging my temple before continuing, "I will wait here for Elsie. Don't forget to pick up Andrea at school. Make sure you take more guys with you for safety; I don't want the same thing to repeat. I entrust her to you."

"Ok, boss. Don't worry about that." He walked away, but I stopped him before he goes far.

"Alex," he turned around as he heard his name being called. "Don't tell Andrea about this. I will talk to her later." I reminded him, knowing how much the girl will freak out if she knows the truth. Furthermore, I don't want this accident to affect her emotionally.


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