chapter 16 : now she likes boys

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Told form blossom's point of view

" to far? No! You've gone to far all my life! You're lucky that i even came to save you!" I shouted. " I'm sorry for being a horrible father" he sighed. " well, I'm not sorry for being a pain in your neck" I lefted him at the docks with his regrets.

" but why do I have to ask him out?" *no one p.o.v*. It was a new year at new Townsville high school and blossom's father was telling blossom to chnage herself for the new school year. " because you don't want to be alone forever do you?" He asked. " but this is high school and myabe your future son in law is supposed to meet me in the future" blossom sighed. " just have fun and try your best" her rsther acted like he cared for her.

" he's been making me do this since i truned thirteen" blossom sighed.

" oh i see. Have a nice day" blossom smiled to a boy she asker out. " that was so embarrassing. Dad, you owe me" she thought. Just as blossom was about to leave school gorunds, someone triped her. " oh sorry" a boy with long blonde hair and bule eyes helped her up. " it's fine. Aren't you the new exchange student?" Blossom asked.

" yes I am. My name is Tom" he smiled. " I'm blossom" she said. " blossom? Blossom, the girl crazy for boys?" He asked. " so I have a bad reputation" blossom sighed. " you're also the girl who can't get a date out of her two other firends" he began to mock her. " I'm working on it" blossom mubbled.

" well, how about we work on it together. So, blossom, will you go on a date with me?" Tom asked. " really!?" Blossom's face lit up with joy. " yes!". When blossom went in for a hug, tom tripped her. She also fell into a mud puddle. " let's see what's in here" Tom opned blossom's bag.

" a bag of candy" tom began to trow everything out of blossom's bag. " oh, a book" he just took out the last object. " the bloody queen," he read the title. " more like muddy queen". Blososm picked her book up and cleaned the mud off of it. " looks like boy crazy girl wants to be smart girl. To bad she will never be" he laughed.

" if you ever want to know how girls should ask boys out, just talk to my girlfriend" he said. " thanks," blossom rolled her eyes.  Blossom watched Tom as he walked home. " for sshowing me who I am really".

" blossom!" Balnda came rushing to blossom with one of her favorite candies. " this is the last one!" The little sister tried to tease her big sister. " keep it" blossom smiled. " come on! Let me light a fire under you!" Balnda said. " i know you only mess with me to get my attion and you wish to be with me like the when you were younger. Well guess what," blossom told her sister.

" I wish that to". " really? I don't belive that!" Balnda folded her arms over her chest. " why don't i read to you tinight like we did when you were one and under" blossom sussgted. " fine, but I still don't belive you" blossom laughed at her sister's stubbornness.

" so what story do you want to read?" Balnda came into blossom's room to say goodnight, but she to her surprise to see her sister picking out a book. " wait, we are really doing this here and now!?" Balnda asled. " if course! Now what would like to read?" Blossom smiled. " um... what book are you reading?" She asked. " the bloody queen, but I think it's kind of um..... to much killing for you right now" blossom answred.

" okay. Let me see the books" balnda made her way to the bookself. " this one" balnda pulled out the beauty and the beast book. " wonderful" the two sisters got into blossom's bed.

" once upon a time, an old begger women showed up to a Prince's castle asking for shelter" blossom begain to read. About fifthteen mintues into the book, balnda fell asleep. " good night and sweet dreams, little sis" blossom kissed her little sister's forehead.

Right when me and this new villan got to the old mashion that sat upon a hill, i rushed to a room. After i slammed the door and locked it, I lefted tears that I hid fall down. " i-i'm so sorry balnda" I began to sob harder. " but, i can't see you anymore" I fell to my knees and sob harder and harder.

" where's blossom?" *balnda p.o.v*. My father just returned home, but blossom wasn't with him. " oh her. She's" he began. He keep quiet. " you monster!" I shouted. " what?" He asked. " you killed her!" I began to let tears show. " balnda, it" he said. " she was the only who loved me here in this town" I sobed. " actually, balnda, I sold her" he had a sick smirk on his face. " you're a sick man and she was the one who vonlrened when the other two brat bucks didn't even care!" I shouted. " well, she isn't my problem anymore" he rolled his eyes.

I ran up to my room and shut me in. I layed in my bed and closed my eyes. " maybe this is all just a nightmare".

I heard the town hall clock belle ringed ten times*blossom p.o.v*. " i remeber when the clock belle used to make me fall alseep" I sighed. I walked to the door and placed my ear on it for about one mintue. I heard no one walk past. " i guess it's time to find some food" i unlcoked and opned the doors.

I found some bread and ate it. A small breeze came in. " oh. A garden!" I looked out the opned window. I walked to the garden and saw the most beautiful roses i ever seen. I as kept walking and admiring the roses, i saw a little ball of fur.

" I'm so sorry, miss" it talked! " it's fine an please just call me blossom" I said. " blossom, you must be the master's new pisnoer" it said. " what's your name?" I wanted to talk about anything else. " my name is Lynn fuzzy, and I'm the person who attends the garden" she smiled. " you're a person, but you seem fuzzy. I'm sorry if that sounded rude!" Gezz, blossom, keep it up and you'll make an emey.

" the dust did this to me. Anyway, you should be off to be" she told me. " good night" I smiled. She just smiled back.

What did she mean by dust?                          




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