chapter 14 : cheer chick

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Told form no one's point of view

" you did what!?". A new school day at new Townsville had begun. The ppgz were still the heroes of the town. Brick just told blossom he signed her up to be a cheerleader. " you heard me, bow" brick laughed. " I'll be nice and let you not die by me drowing you" blossom said. " okay" brick said, unsure.

" but I will do this" blossom pulled him in for a kiss. As he was confused and trying to figure out blossom, she kicked him in her locker. She also locked it to. " hey bloss" smiled bubbles. " hey bubs" said blossom. " have you seen Buttercup?" Asked bubbles. " can't say i have" blossom answred. " what about you and brick?" Bubbles smirked. " you know how there are monsters under beds?" Blossom asked. " there are monster sunder beds!?" Bubbles asked. Blossom did a tiny eye roll. " well i have a demon in my locker rather than a monster under my bed" blossom said.

" why is randy in your locker!?" Bubbles shouted. " brick is in my locker" blossom corccted. " so he's the demon in your locker" bubbles said. " blossom whatever your middle and last name are, let me out!" Shouted brick form inside blossom's locker. " the demon wants to get out, but I want let it" blososm smirked. " I'll do anything for air out there! I repeat anything!" Brick begged. " anything? Then get me off the cheer squad or dress like me and do all that cheerlead-ie stuff!" Demanded blossom.

" I would rather die than do the last one! Plus, i can't take your name off the list!" Snapped brick. " then I guess you'll die" blossom had a huge smirk on her face. Brick started to gag for air. " quiet being a baby!" Snapped blossom. He still gaged. " if you think pretending to die will make me go soft, think agian!" Blossom yelled.

No more gaging. " wait did you actually kill him!?" Bubbles asked. " well looks like i have to dispose of a dead body. Good thing I watch enough murder shows". 

" ready girls. One. Two. Three!" It was the end of the school day and blossom had cheer practice. Bad luck came once again for her. The custian who hates blossom, Wendy Alison, is her cheer leader squad captian. " wow you can count. Let's mark this day!" Mocked blossom. " cheer gals, take five," said Wendy. " but you, blossom".

" hey cuz, it's been so long. I see you still have balloons in your bra" blossom laughed. " blossom, blossom" wendy put her long auburn hair out of her green eyes. " great ya know my name and how sweet it is to say it that you have to say it twice" blossom smirked. " look, if you didn't want to be a cheerleader, than why sign up?" Wendy asked. " brick signed me up" Blossom answred.

" to bad his your little boyfriend or else I would snacth him up" Wendy sighed. " cuz, tmi. To much info. To much information" blossom rolled her eyes. " i know what tmi and info means!" Yelled Wendy. " oh. I thought you weren't up to date with the latest trends because belly shirtd are like so 2000" said blossom in a girly, high pitched, teenage vioce.

" I'll tell you what isn't in style," begin Wendy. " your life style!". " well I'm so sorry I love vintage finds!" Shouted blossom. " like who really knows all the songs in grease!?" Wendy begain to make fun of blossom's era obssion. " jokes on you. I don't even watch grease anynore!" Blososm shouted.

The relatives begain to fight more and louder. " what happed to the old blossom?" Wendy asked. " what do you mean?" Blossom asked. " the blossom I used to hang out with you and tall about our furtre lovers," blossom saw a tear form in Wendy's eyes. " we used to go shopping and look out for boys. Rember when we used to go ask random boys on dates. I miss watching handsome man movies and obsessing over boys. Heack, i even miss eating sweets and fighting over boys" tears came form her eyes and onto her cheer outfit.

" Wendy," blossom's voice turned soft and calm form angery. " i miss hanging out with you, to. But that was the old me. I realize that I was being a flusie". " see you never used the word until now. What does it even mean!?" Wendy asked. " flusie? It's a 1950's tream for a girl that grows herself at a man" blossom answred. " i want the old blossom back. My blossom!" Demanded Wendy.

" hey blossom!" Brick just got to the gym. " back timeing as always, brick" blossom sighed. " hey brick" Wendy twirled a stand of her hair and winked at brick. " hey" brick forgot her name. " Wendy, Wendy Alison" she winked. " ok. Anway, how was your cheer partice?" Brick asked. " good" Wendy smiled. " i want to know how blossom's feelings of horror are, not yours, Alison Wendy" brick corrcted.

" I wish I was in a horror movie so the killer can kill the both of you two" blossom sighed. " blossom, rember not to make fun of your captain" Wendy told blossom. " but I don't direpect captain America or captain marvel. Get your hacking hand off of me, red hat boy!" Brick leaned on blossom and putted his hand on her head. " come on, your short and I'm tall so just let it be, babe" brick smirked.

" I'm not short! I'm fun sized and not your babe!" Blossom snapped. " fun sized, huh?" Brick asked. " I'm a fun sized ball of rage right now!" Blossom yelled. " they seem to really hate watch other. Does that mean they love watch other deep down in their soul?" Wendy ran out crying.
" wendy!" Blossom shouted. " great job, brick! She looked at you to long and now you made her cry!". " how do you know it wasn't you!?" Brick shot back.

" i can't lose blossom to a boy nor can I lose brick to my low life cuztain" Wendy thought as she ran and cried. " poor little soul fight between love and friendship. But aku can fix that".

" like i can totally go for a snack with you gals after school" Wendy looked like blossom and even sounded like her. It was a windy day at new Townsville high. Wendy even wore what blossom ussaly wore on a windy day, a pink sweater with bule jeans and ugg boots. " tottaly? Gals? Bloss, you never used those words before" said the green puff. " Buttercup, bubbles, have a told you about how me and rick are dating?" Asked "blossom".

"  you should leave your hat off more offten. I really think you looks more handsome and cooler without it" said the real blossom. She crimped her hair. She wore a black vest with long sleves. She wore a dark pink short under it. She wore black belle bottem paints with a black belt with a golden buckle. She had on black high heel, knee high boots.

" I know you're just saying that because i told you that you looked kind of nice with your hair dosn and crimped" brick was walking with her.
" hey what are you doing with blossom's boyfriend!?" Bubbles and buttercup thought blossom was some other chick. " girls, it's me blossom and i would neevr date that son of a moneky and donkey" blossom pointed to brick.

" bloss, it really is you!" The two girls forced a thight hug onto the third. " guys, watch the hair! It took me three hours to crimp all of it!" Blososm complained.

" so if i jump off this tree, you'll do the hard stuff in a fight for a whole week?" It was the end of the day and blososm and bubbles sat up in a cherry blososm tree on the school grounds. " yup" bubbles smiled. " alright" blossom fell back. Down below brick was talking to Randy. Out of the bule, brick cacthed blososm like it ussaly happens at the excat same time and same place eacth day.

" i know I'm handsome and charming, but did you really have to fall for me?" Smirked brick. Blososm gave him a bloody noise by kicking him with her boot. " now your noise macthes your eyes, bloody" laughed blossom.

" look, I found the queen of the demon kingdom, the underworld".                                 


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