eploigue: words a lost

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Told form blossom's point of view

After rage broke the kiss, i puched him. He fell back in pian like the darma dude he is. " what the h e double hockey stick is worng with you!?" I snapped. " I am to be wedded to the girl of beauty that is you!" He shouted. " you only want me for my beuaty, of coruse!" I yelled. Before I could even think, i grabbed balnda, whom was still in a blanket and ran outside. I placed her on my horse and got on as well. " hang on" I told her. " where are we going?" She asked in a quivering vioce. " I need to vist someone".

I raced to his mansion and carried balnda in. I set her down on the bed in the room I stayed in. " keep warm" I kissed her forehead. I then ran to his room, where I thought he would be in pain like in the beauty and the beast tales. To my surprise, he was really there laying on the ground in pain. An arrow was right through his chest. " please don't be dead" i begged under my breath. I moved closer to him, to see his eyes shut and blood on the arrow. I held my hands over my mouth, trying to keep in a bloody scarem.

Once o rehaced him, i placed his head onto my lap and pulled the arrow out. More blood came out. " noir," i said in a quiet, soft vioce. " please don't leave me. You and kasey are th one's who keep my world for ripping apart pice by pice. Just stay with me, you don't have to love me. All I ask of you is just to stay with me,". " brick" tears rolled onto his forehead. 

After I let a few tears come out, i got ready to speak agian. " brick," my soft vioce said. " i love you". Why did i say those three words everyone longs to hear!? I only looked at him as a freind! But why was i crying like my love and heart was ripped away from me forever?When i realized he was gone for real, i let my ture feelings show. 

Told form no one's point of view

" the words she spoke, were ture" a sweet and soft vioce snag a sad song in the mashion. Blossom was to busy crying that she didn't heart the singer's vioce.  

" but her lover's time was up".

" what a cruel world this can be".

" 'are you my romeo?' she asks".

" days turn to mouths and she finally gets her answer".

" 'I love you!' she says trough her tears".

" the words she spoke were ture".

" so ture".

The singer came into the view of blossom and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. The singer had light auburn hair and dark navey bule eyes. She was dressed in a black hood and a long navy bule skirt. The girl looked around eighteen or even twenty. " blossom" her vioce was soft like slik. The cyring girl looked up to the singer. " who are you?" Blossom asked in a quivering vioce. " please don't be affarid for i am cinder macy" the singer said. " i see your proboem here". " there is no where someone can bring back the dead" blossom sighed.

" why?" Asked cinder. " After all, normal teenage girls were gifted super powers just for simple acts of kindness. A dog was able to talk form rays of white light". " what can you do?" A smile spread across miss. Macy's face. She pulled out a small wand. " my powers can only change dead people into birds to bring them back to life, but some time in thier life, they do turn back into humans. That is if the right words are said" cinder explined. " do what you need to" blossom got up and took a step back.

Cinder whsipred a spell in a language, she only knew called riddlish. " tide be told," sparks come from cinder's wand. " sign the toll, last but not least," the girl with maigc prepared herself to use most of her power. " labyrinth the owl!" Flames could been seen in cinder's eyes. In a blink of an eye, an barn owl was in the place of brick.

" i did it" cinder brushed off some sparks lefted on her wand. " thank you" blossom smiled. " wipe those tears away, dear, for your prince will be alive and well" cinder smiled. " how can i have repay you?" The orange haired teenager asked. " forget" was cinder's qucik reply. " forget what?" Asked blossom. " about what?" Cinder's words confessed the pink eyed girl. " about this whole thing" cinder explined. " your father leaving your mother for mrs. Morebucks, princess crusing brick, and most importantly, the time you spent with brick".

" so what can I rember?".

" ya know if you're gonna need help with this, let me down all of it" cinder rubbed her forehead in anynoyce. The maigcal girl oointed her wand at blossom's forehead. " close your eyes, this might hurt".

" braved dnagers untold, unforeseen".

" made way to castle beyond goblin city, beyond labinryth. ".  

" take back what stole".

" for kingdom great and will storng as". 

" for no power over!".

Told form blossom's point of view

" so just because the ppgz are needed no more, you took our white z rays out in our sleep" I began. The proffcer noded. " and now that is why my hair is brown!?" I yelled. " blossom, calm down" ken sighed. " you got some of the details down" the proffcer said. " ok" I said in a clam tone. " well, thanks for giving my frog back" ken smiled. " since balnda ask for it, i had to return it as usual" I laughed. " she wanted to tell you to meet her by the swings, whatever that means". A huge red blush came onto ken's face. " see ya later!" I waved goodbye as i walked away.

As I began to walk back into new Townsville, a owl flew beside me. How odd.     



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