chapter 6 : a girl with beauty

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Told form blossom's point of view

" here is that little girl with orange hair!?".

" I'm right here, red queen!".

" off with her head!".

" really, blossom?".

I was just playing with balnda and brick just came near us. " oh Alice, i can't hurt a sweet girl like you, so please be the next princess" me and my sister were playing Alice in wonderland. " of course, but you have to be good" balnda played as Alice. " i will! So should we behead this villan?" I played as the red queen. Blanda laughed as brick stood there anyoned. " yes!" Now he was sacred. " forget the thing bubbles sent me to say!" He started to walk away. He fell to the ground because I kicked him under his feet. " balnda, can you go pick some flowers for mom?" She did so as a good girl.

" you okay?" I offered to help him up. " I'm fine!" He snapped. " why did bubbles send you, even though she can call me?" I asked. " she's blonde. And she sent me to... what was it?" He asked. " oh yeah i forgot!" He shouted. " bloss, one to your friends is hiding up in a bush with a boythat looks like her brother" balnda said. I saw bubbles and bommer duck down into the bush. " thank you, sweetie. Now go find more flowers" she ran off.

Me and hat boy walked over there. Bubbles was tring to get out the way where me and brick were standing. " oh nice shoes, you two. Blossom, are your shoes bigger?" She smiled. " can it!" I snapped. " I mean she isn't lying. Those dhoes are huge and anyoing" brick said. " finally someone sees!" I said. " i saw" bubbles said. " they are actually my mom's form her childhood and they are like baby spice's shoes form The Spice Girls" i said.

" well that was nice of her" wait! Brick can say the word nice!? " yeah. She gave them to me for my birthday. Maybe I can get my size when I grow out of these because my mom says the 90's and 80's are coming back" i said. " hey why don't you two have a nice wlakmin the lart alnoe?" Now i see why she sent brick.

Balnda came running to me crying. It looked like she fell into he pound. " princess, pushed me" she cried into my shirt. " hey bloss, rmeber when you kissed that frog thinking it was a prince and you would live happily ever after?" Bubbles asked. " bubbles!" I shouted. " more like hoppliy ever after" brick laughed. " do you think him will punish princess like the encrtcess did to the beast in beauty and the beast?" She asked. " no. But maybe she'll have black z rays and become a villan and fail him. Then he'll cruse her. But where did you hear the name him?" I asked.

" well father told me that he was a villan and he could take over new townsville then the world" what a monster! " listen, i'll never let anyone lay a finger in you, so don't you listen to father or his new disgrace of a women" I assured her. She stayed still as i wiped her face. She ran off to go pcik some mkre flowers, for the third time.

" you really love her don't you?" Bubbles asked. " yes, her love and my mom's is the only love I need" I said. " i mean maybe you could have a boy' love" she said. " bubbles, why can't you get I'm not that same girl who obsessed over boys!?" I shouted.

" what!?" *no one p.o.v*. It was a warm sunny day and blossom just told her firends that she was no longer looking for a boy to love her. " you heard me" blossom said. " but why?" Bubbles asked. " because I finally see that i don't need a boy to love me. Plus, i just nocited that my obsessions were crazy" blossom answred. " well whatever choice you make, we'll support you. What are you going to do now?" Buttercup asked.

" well i'll read some books and spend some time with my little sister" blossom answred. Only blossom knew the real reason for this sudden change. 

" I wish you died giving birth to blossom, so i could just sell her to the highest bidder!".

" you're suck a sick man, Josh kaitlyn!".

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