17. Grandpa's Prodigy. The Uchiha Rises.

Start from the beginning

Sending him flying a good distance.

You followed that up with a other Jutsu. You clapped your hands together forming rooster, serpent, rabbit, serpent.

"Wood Release: Divine Tree of Binding!"

From all around him. Trees would grow and rapidly move over to grab on tightly to Madara. Keeping him chained to the tree.

"This should keep you held back. Those five better not be dead."

"Before you leave Senju... Why is it you fight? Why do you protect this world? When all I do is try to bring peace?"

"Peace you say? I understand peace comes from war. However if there is peace long before your own peace. What is the point of war? I fight to end you war. I fight for everyone here. And those who have passed. To protect is my grandfather's will. And it is stronger than any Kekkei Genkai!"

"Tch. You are your Grandfather's disciple."

"Yeah, yeah."

You clapped your hands together. And you would gain sight over What was going on. Your five clones dealt well against the Madara clones.

You would dodge a large blue hand. Landing on the ground. And rolling away. You looked up to see the Susano'o.

You frowned at the sight.

You wouldn't be able to hold him back. You clapped your hands together. The wood clones would return their chakra to you.

"You have another plan."

"Indeed, you do have your grandfathers insight. Farewell, I was only here to deal with the kage's but now that you're here. Plans have to change."

You would flash in front of him. And quickly slashed where he used to be. With your katana. He would disappear before you could even get him.

You landed just a few feet where he was. You looked over to the side. And realised where he had left to.

You hurriedly appeared in front of a horrid sight. Those two would summon Ten Tails.

You would then again appear in front of Madara. You would clap your hands together. Forming the serpent hand seal.

"Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu!"

From behind you. Wood clones would sprout and hurriedly move all around them. You began to weave Serpent, rabbit, horse.

"Wood Release: 4 Pointed Barrier!"

From four points around them. 4 great trees would begin to grow. Their blooming brilliance surrounded the pair in a large cube shape.

Your gaze shifted to the right and nine tails.


You hurriedly flashed over to the group.




You would hold onto his shoulders. You admired what he had grown into.

"You've grown. And you've controlled your nine tails chakra!"

"Thanks to your mark. I was able to do so."

"I'm glad I helped even though I didn't."

Naruto would laugh awkwardly. You looked over his shoulder. Finding Kakashi you stated over to his scarred body. Your legs would take a step forward.


"Summoning Jutsu: Ten Tails!"

The sudden sound rang throughout the area. And from it the barrier you had created would begin to move.

You looked over. Slapping your hands together.

"Ey yo 5th Hokage. How we gonna. Escape that Kage?!"

You would frown and form the serpent seal. And would weave into ram, hare, dog, and serpent.

"Wood Release: Wood Dragon!"

From below you. A wooden dragon would begin to sprout. And would lift you into the air.

"We have to move. That barrier won't hold long. Engage your tail beast modes. And move!"


Naruto would summon kurama. And killer B would do the same. Everyone quickly moved away. And your barrier would suddenly shatter

"Damn. I was hoping not too exert so much chakra."

You looked back seeing a large hand reach out to grab naruto. Naruto would quickly avoid counter attacking.

You watched in amazement. That little blonde kid who strived fro Hokage. Was already beyond what you could ever go.

You took a glimpse behind you. Seeing only the ten tails. Three great hands would form. And quickly shoot out to grab the Ten Tails.

"I see. So he is like his grandfather."

"He is the biggest threat here. If he continued to stay. We will not succeed."

"You don't think I know that."

He would form the hare seal. And the ten tails would begin form a massive ball of chakra. You stared in horror. This would easily destroy everyone there.

You clapped your hands together.

"Wood Style: Great Catching Net."

You opened your palms. And held it out in front of you. From the ground tree roots would grow into a massive net. From the ends. Wood Dragon heads would grow out.

"First Form: Chakra Absorber."

The ball would fire directly into the net. In a grand spectacle of light. The ball would be absorbed into the net.


You held out your palm. And the great net would return back your chakra.

"We have to face this thing here and now."


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