Chapter 28- Step, Stride, and Glide

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Phichit let out a deep sigh as he paraded around his modest apartment, questing for an activity that would entertain him until practice time, but alas, he barely moved in, and as such, his lodging wasn't all too furnished, and by proxy, filled with many distractions.

With his body paraded his mind as a hurricane of thoughts spun around in his head. He was so utterly and terribly bored. Bored and lonely.

You'd think that a social butterfly like Phichit would have no trouble finding himself friends or, heck, just anyone to spend the day with, but that's in Thailand, or maybe America. Here, in Canada, he was on foreign soil, and he was just as lonely as he could possibly be...

Bummed out, he crouched next to his hamsters' cage, which was comfortably resting upon a pile of boxes, surrounded by bags of woodchips and food -not to confuse the two- as well as some pieces of an unfinished plastic maze.

He considered checking his phone but quickly decided against it. After all, what good would it do? He'd spent so much time on social media, the bare thought of it made him sick.

...and besides, the only person he wanted to talk to wouldn't even respond.

With that in mind, he lifted the cloth covering the cage and opened the hatch, peeking inside. His lips subconsciously sprawled into a smile when he spotted his hamsters curled up in the toy cave, fast asleep.

"Well, what shall I do today, huh?" he softly asked, running his fingertip against the white fur of his pet. "Do you know, Squish?"

Squish only gently squirmed under Phichit's touch and slightly opened its red eyes, glaring at the boy.

"How do you think Yuuri is doing, huh?" he said, petting the honey-furred hamster. "Chonko? What do you think?"

Chonko didn't respond, seemingly unbothered by Yuuri's wellbeing.

"And what of you, Hamsterdam?" he said, poking at the pitch-black coloured hamster. "Should I call Yuuri? Do you think he'd even answer?"

Hamsterdam let out an ever-so-soft screech and sprang on its feet, leaving the cave. It tossed a look towards Phichit before making its way towards the food bowl, snacking on some pellets.

Phichit laughed a little and let out another sigh.

"No, he probably wouldn't..." he muttered sadly. "He's never online anyway, it's like his phone is off 24/7 or something."

Squish let out a little screech.

"Ah? Should I go to pay him a visit?" Phichit asked the hamster, giggling a little. "Yeah! Yeah, I will!"

He sprang to his feet with newly-found energy and swiped up his sports bag.

"I know! We'll go skating together!" he exclaimed, grabbing his coat. "Oh, that would be super fun!"

Glancing around his apartment for one last time, making sure he didn't forget anything of importance, he waved farewell to his pets and shut the door behind him.

All of his morning stagnation seemed long gone, replaced by bubbly excitement in his chest. He let out a happy, shaky sigh and made his way along the street, whistling a happy tune.

And so, about half an hour later, Phichit once again found himself facing the door of apartment 25.

Truth be told, he didn't even know what to expect. After all, he had gone several weeks without seeing his dearest friend, and the last time he did...well, wasn't all too joyful. He sincerely hoped that Yuuri was feeling at least somewhat better because he couldn't forgive himself if it wasn't the case. He also wondered about what could've possibly happened during those weeks, and he wished that it was something positive.

Flowers Fall (viktuuri AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang