Chapter 24- When Parallels Align...

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Yuuri let out a shaky sigh and shoved his phone back in his pocket. A merry-go-round of wilted leaves of all sorts of colours unraveled around him as the wind grew stronger. Cold shivers crept up his spine as he clutched the sleeves of his far too thin hoodie, cursing at his own stupidity.

For the first time in what felt like eons, the skies were finally clear, and a cool shade of blue filled the endless firmament. The sun's rays, though abundant, were completely devoid of warmth. Yet another reminder that alas, the lively summer was over, leaving its place to lifeless autumn.

Skillfully leaping around and across the numerous puddles of water sprawled across the sidewalk, Yuuri ran a mental checklist of all of the tasks he'd have to finalize, ranging from flower watering to...well, deposing the notice of claim into a local court. Easy to guess which one he's been dreading the most.

He has just gotten off the phone with Yuri and even though this wouldn't be the first time they'd talked, it still felt just as unfamiliar and awkward. Thankfully, the teenager didn't seem to mind Yuuri's stuttering and happily participated in the conversation, answering all kinds of cumbersome questions.

Speaking of cumbersome and awkward, Yuuri's already crammed apartment -he didn't mind it as he lived alone- had become even more claustrophobic. In fact, Mari was supposed to be taking the plane back yesterday but instead announced that she, being the "amazing and responsible big sister" has decided to stay for just a little longer. No, she did not specify how long she'd be gracing Yuuri with her presence, but he suspected a month or so at least.

Truth be told, he was more than happy to finally have someone around. Mari did her best to support Yuuri as much as she could, however never missing an opportunity to toss a snarky remark or two. It was, in fact, her who quite literally dragged him out of bed this morning, pestering about how he ought to go back to work if he didn't want his ass kicked.

Yuuri sighed.

He wondered what would be awaiting him at work. Obviously, he had no doubt regarding the competence of his substitute, but it wasn't customary of him to leave his shop like that to a third party. Even though he checked on Sky every now and then -she always assured that everything was just fine- he couldn't really see it for himself and that's what made him nervous.

Going felt so weird. He had been dreading this moment for the past two weeks now. Reason being his newly found 'popularity' and the fact that he was 'all over the damn news' as Mari had so eloquently pointed out. He knew that it was pointless to hope that everyone would just forget about him like last time.

After all, he was the one with amnesia, not them.

All he really wished for was just a few more serene days, where he could get his life together and mentally prepare himself to face the world. Was it too much to ask?

As Yuuri turned the last corner, the blatant answer to his question had hit him right in the face.

Apparently, yes, it was.

To his greatest dismay, a small cluster of journalists had swarmed around the flower shop, desperately trying to have a look inside. Clearly, they were looking for him.

He had just a few more seconds until they'd notice him and lunge towards like a horde of hungry lions at a helpless antelope. This was bad. Really bad.

What could he even do at this point? Running away wasn't exactly an option, since he had to get to his workplace, and fairly soon too. It was nearing noon.

Maybe, if he'd cooperate with them, they'd let him pass?

Who was he kidding? That's not even remotely likely.

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