Chapter 11- Where It All Ended

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Phichit checked his phone for the umptieth time, gazing out the window of one of his favorite cafés. A pleasant smell of coffee lingered in the air and soft chatter resonated in the room. Now wasn't such a busy time, because it was Monday morning and most customers never stayed for long, simply grabbing a coffee or a freshly baked croissant. He watched as the not so busy street began slowly filling with passers-by and vehicles of those hurrying to work. At least he wasn't in a hurry today.

He fiddled with the hem of his jacket and bounced his knees in anticipation. Though a steamy beverage sat right in front of him, it remained untouched, as he didn't want to start without Yuuri. It has been quite a while since they last saw each other, as both had daily matters to attend to, and their friendship, unfortunately, shifted to the background. Today, however, was the florist's day off and Phichit quite literally begged him to spend time together, though he didn't have to because Yuuri quickly agreed.

So, here he was, waiting for his friend who had picked up a nasty habit of showing up late.

Phichit sighed. He wasn't surprised at all.

Poor Yuuri never had a reason to step out of his mundane, ingrown routine. All he did was spend days upon days in that shop of his, which wasn't necessarily bad. Phichit just wanted to see his friend more outgoing and not holed up like a...what was it, a Rapunzel wannabe?

Phichit liked to think that Yuuri was secretly a fairy tale princess. Well, to him, it was clear as day. The flowers, the elegance, the self-isolation, the signs were all there!

After a few more minutes of fantasizing, the princess in question walked through the door and began cluelessly looking around in search of his friend. Phichit waved at him and saw his lips sprawl in a smile. He made his way towards the Thai boy and greeted him before sitting across him.

"So, Rapunzel," Phichit chuckled, propping his elbows on the table. "How have ya' been?"

Yuuri gave his friend a confused look but giggled at his exaggerated expression. "I've been more or less okay," he replied, briefly glancing at the menu on the wall. "But the place is getting busier by day. I am drowning in commissions as we speak."

"Ouch, that's tough," Phichit winced. "Any ideas why that's the case?"

"There's the whole 'summer' part, you know?" Yuuri said. "People are going out more, ergo they meet up with their loved ones more, ergo they need more flowers, ergo the store is busier."

"No, I figured as much," Phichit laughed. "But what I meant is, is there any special event?"

"What...event are we talking about?" Yuuri asked, cocking his head to the side.

Phichit offered him a sly smile.

"Well, as you may or may not know," he began. "There may or may not be an upcoming competition that may or may not be related to cursive walking."

"I...still don't understand," Yuuri muttered, standing up. "I'm gonna get myself something. I'll be right back."

When he had returned, several minutes later, he was carrying a medium coffee cup and a little brown bag. Phichit had gulped his drink, which had time to cool down.

"Run it by me one more time, would you?" the florist asked, shaking his head.

"To put it simply," Phichit sighed, somewhat exasperated by his friend's cluelessness. "It starts with an 'S' and ends with 'kate Canada'."

To say that Yuuri was shaken was quite the understatement. He gave his friend an annoyed look, yet it wasn't enough to wipe the boy's goofy smile off his face.

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