Chapter 15- All Cards Revealed

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Victor woke up in cold sweat, panting, and tangled in his blanket only to find himself on the floor next to the sofa.

He shakily propped himself up in complete darkness, cursing under his breath when his head hit the coffee table.

He didn't even know what time it was but suspected that sunrise was about an hour away.

Letting out a large sigh, he freed himself from the clutches of his blanket, tossing it on the couch, before standing up.

Victor plopped himself back in "bed" and picked up his phone. He hissed soundlessly and rubbed his eyes when the bright screen lit up, showing '05:03 AM' in the middle.

A never-ending ache plagued his entire body. He weakly ran a hand through his disorderly hair, shifting his bangs from his eyes.

Sighing again, he focused his gaze on the barren ceiling, letting his thoughts engulf him.

He hasn't spoken to Katherine since yesterday, having stayed in his office until late night, just to make sure she was asleep. He then crept back into their bedroom, grabbed whatever clothes he could find, a random pillow, and a spare blanket before retreating to the living room.

Sleeping next to her might not be a good idea.

Up until now, Victor has been avoiding the obvious in his mind, yet despite his efforts, he could still hear Katherine's last words to him, clear as day.

"Didn't your parents teach you how to behave?"

His eyes burned, bitter tears suddenly wetting the pillow under him.

He felt disgusted with himself and quickly wiped his eyes with his shirt.

How pathetic of him to cry like a child, when he should be at the age of solving his issues on his own.

He really wasn't taught well, huh.

Victor couldn't be the only one at fault, right? Even though he had said a lot of regrettable things, and pretty much caused the argument, Katherine had no right to pry on his past like that.

Slowly but surely, he began to realize that he didn't want to see her today. It would be far too awkward and confusing, and the last thing they both needed was another quarrel.

No, right now, they needed some time away from each other.

He knew that Katya was an early-riser and that she would walk the dogs, but since he was already awake, he might as well take that task off her hands.

Whispering, he beckoned both Makkachin and Pushok and feebly stood to his feet, wincing when his leg cramped.

Soundlessly, Victor found the pair of jeans he had been wearing yesterday, sincerely not caring about what he looked like right now, and threw on a light jacket.

As he was attaching the leashes to his pets, he glanced at the kitchen and wondered if he should at least grab something to eat.

No, he wasn't hungry.

Without even leaving a note, he walked out, locking the door behind him.

As soon as he stepped outside, he was hit by a gust of fresh air, making him gasp. He could feel the cold prickling his skin and the wind ruffling his already messy hair. Bringing a jacket was a good idea because the sun had barely risen and so the chills still made themselves clear.

Victor glanced at his wristwatch; it was now past six o'clock, so Katya must have already woken up.

He sighed at the thought of her walking around the house, pointlessly searching for both him and the dogs. Maybe, even, just the dogs.

Flowers Fall (viktuuri AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora