Chapter 16- Breaking Through The Walls

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Yuuri quietly sang to himself as he let his pencil glide over his sketchbook, his imagination flowing loose. Meek little rays of sun escaped through the cracks in the curtains, reflecting cute rainbows on the glass vases on the shelves.

A peaceful atmosphere filled the room as happy music softly echoed throughout his store. It was just past noon and Yuuri was enjoying a calm, somewhat lonely day. Usually, he'd be freaked out if there weren't any customers for more than an hour, but today, he chose to focus on finalizing his remaining commissions, that have slowly but surely been accumulating over the past few weeks.

He huffed in frustration as his hair fell over his eyes, partially blocking out his vision. It was getting a bit too long, wasn't it? He ought to get a haircut eventually, or else he might end up looking like a mop. Isn't that what his sister used to call his hair when they were both kids?

Yuuri let out a light chuckle as the nostalgic memory resurfaced, plastering a grin onto his tired features.

"Whacha' laughing at?" a young woman suddenly asked as she opened the door of the shop, the doorbell's frantic ringing overriding the sweet music.

"Oh- um, nothing," Yuuri replied, somewhat distraught.

He awkwardly put away his sketchbook and watched as the woman aimlessly walked around the store, her eyes seeming to analyze every nook and cranny. He immediately noticed her chestnut brown hair, riddled with flashy strikes of a neon pink hue. Her red flannel slightly fluttered as she softly leaped from place to place, clearly questing for something.

"Can you?" he asked, catching the young woman's attention. "Is there anything you need?"

"Yeah, actually!" she joyfully replied, bouncing to Yuuri's desk. Her freckled nose scrunched up as her lips sprawled in a smug grin. "So, my girlfriend's birthday is comin' up and I need something amazing for her."

"I see!" Yuuri said, nodding. "Would you like a pre-made bouquet or..."

"No, no, I need something special," she exclaimed, unknowingly interrupting the florist mid-sentence, laughing awkwardly as she realized her mistake. "Sorry, that was rude of me. I'm Cassidy, by the way, but my friends just call me Cas."

"Nice to meet you," Yuuri said, flashing a sincere smile. "I'm Yuuri."

"So, Yuuri," Cassidy began, seriously this time. "Could you arrange something with a hidden message?" She spoke in a low tone, almost whispering at the last bit.

"Well, it depends on the message," Yuuri explained, slightly chuckling. "Though, usually, it turns out quite well."

"Nice," Cassidy trailed off, a satisfied grin on her face. "Then a lovey-dovey message surely won't be a problem to you."

"Nope, it won't," Yuuri shook his head, a smile creeping onto his features. "Though, a bouquet does need to have a theme, no?"

"Like in a dancing routine?" Cassidy asked excitedly, arching an eyebrow. "There's a lot of different themes in dancing, you know?"

"Yeah, I'd imagine so," Yuuri agreed. "And bouquets are no exception. What kind of theme would you want?"

"Something happy!" Cassidy exclaimed, her voice a bit louder than she had initially intended. She laughed awkwardly and muttered a small 'sorry'. "I want something happy and energetic."

"Alright," Yuuri said, pulling out a small catalog. "Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind would be a mix of daisies and maybe some roses."

"Oh?" Cassidy chirped, her big emerald eyes glowing with child-like curiosity. "What do they mean?"

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