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"Patrick," Hayes pushed open his bedroom door and peeked around it.

"You can come in," A lamp was on, so Hayes could see that Patrick was laying down in his bed messing around with his phone in the darkened room.

At his invitation, Hayes opened the door more and walked in, leaving the door open. She knew Glen would be coming in behind her any moment. Hayes noticed he had been hovering more than usual, not saying that she wasn't being more clingy either, but once he realizes she hadn't returned from the bathroom after 5 minutes, he'd probably come looking for her. Or, maybe he'll think she's taking a dump. It's a toss up.

"What's up?" Patrick asked when Hayes didn't say anything. He watched her rock back and forth on her toes before deciding to climb onto his bed. "Aye, watch it." She not so gently crawled over his legs to sit against the wall, crisscross applesauce.

"Sorry," she muttered, getting comfortable.

"Hayes." Patrick slapped her leg with the back of his hand, "Speak."

"I'm not a dog."

"Woof." Patrick teased, "But seriously, to what do I owe this visit?" He knew Hayes would never spill her thoughts unless he pressed. He also knew that it was probably way later than Hayes should be up, considering she had a busy past couple of the days. Plus, they had to be up early in the morning to go to the airport.

"Do you think we are a nuisance?" Hayes twiddled her thumbs, unable to look at Patrick.

"What?" He wasn't sure if he heard her correctly. "Where did you even come up with that idea? Puh-lease, the last thing you noobs are, is a nuisance. Is this about your brothers?" Hayes nodded. "Hayes, seriously, don't sweat it. They are going to love you."

"You're just saying that."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Oh shush. Just let me give you my wisdom. We don't have a lot of time left together."

"Okay." Hayes leaned her head back against the wall and looked at him expectantly.

"When my brother was born, I think it was the best day of my life."

"What?" Hayes scrunched her eyebrows together. Since when did Patrick have a brother?

"Don't talk during story time." He shushed her. "My parents used to say that when I was young, I would literally beg them for a sibling to play with every day. And then finally it happened. Mom was having another baby. He was the cutest little baby I've ever seen and I instantly claimed him as my best friend. But I was just a child myself, ya know? I was only 5. So I didn't realize how weird it was for him to not actually do things. He never learned to walk, didn't really babble. he cried though. Like a lot. But I didn't care, because to me, he was perfect." Patrick sat up, mimicking Hayes' seating position. "Then he got sick. Looking back at it now and being able to understand what was happening, it wasn't unexpected. Everyone knew he wasn't going to live long. Everyone but me I guess. He didn't suffer long, thank God. He wasn't on this earth very long, but for the time I had him, I loved him so much. And I still do. I think about him every day. Hell, my jersey number - 16, is because he was born on January 6th. I play for him."

"What was his name?"

"Zeke. Lil Z man." Patrick smiled, reminiscing about his baby brother. "Anyways," he shook his head, "where was I? Oh, yeah so the point of the story was that even though Zeke isn't here anymore, he's still here with me." He tapped his chest. "He's never left."

"It's been 7 years, though." Hayes mumbled, not sold by his story.

"Dude," Patrick groaned, "you missed the whole point." He gripped Hayes' face, looking her in the eyes to convey his seriousness. "It doesn't matter how long you've been gone for. The truth is, you never left their hearts. Your brothers have just been given the best gift a sibling could only imagine. Another chance. I mean, I know I would give anything to spend one more day with Zeke. And, when they see how awesome you guys are, there is no way they are going to let you go."

Smiley and SunshineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon