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**super sorry about that accidental publishing. My laptop froze and I pressed some buttons in frustration. 🙃 Also, this is all a figment of my imagination so don't believe my medical knowledge pls and ty**

"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not!" Hayes' voice was rising, attracting her brothers to the scene. It was rare sight to see her yelling which meant something was wrong. She became more anxious, slowly backing away from her eldest brother.

"Hayes, this isn't up for negotiation." Austin rubbed the space between his eyebrows, a headache forming and the day barely started. If someone could please explain why he thought it'd be a good idea to not tell the kids about their doctor's appointment until the morning of, he'd like to hear it.

It was days like today where he second-guessed his ability to raise his siblings. Not that he wouldn't do it in a heartbeat, that wasn't what he was thinking at all. His siblings were his kids. But that he wasn't doing a good job at it.

"You can't make me go." Her voice broke as tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. She kept taking steps back as if she was going to bolt any second.

Austin didn't blame her for not wanting to go, doctor visits were no fun, but he didn't expect this kind of reaction either. This was like a whole other level for his little sister. Almost as if she had suddenly regressed back in time to her 4 year-old self.

"Hay Hay," Glen spoke quietly from where he sat at the breakfast nook. He initially had the same gut reaction as Hayes but was able to calm himself down. Rationalize it. They weren't with the Bear anymore, they had no reason to fear the doctors. No bruises to hide. No secrets to be kept. They were safe.

Well, maybe there were some secrets to be kept.

Watery blue eyes met Glen's looking for protection.

"It's okay," Glen reassured her.

She shook her head. It was anything but okay. "I don't want to go."

"I know you don't, Sunshine. I'm sorry that we have to go, but I need to make sure you two are healthy." Austin pleaded with her, not wanting to force her. But she needed to go.

"I am healthy," Hayes sniffled, taking another step back when Austin got too close to her. She was starting to feel trapped, the room becoming smaller. The urge to flee rising. Run and hide.

Footsteps sounded from behind her. Firm hands landed on her shoulders making her flinch but before she could escape them, their arms crossed against her chest, pulling her back against them in a hug. Their thumbs rubbed up and down on her arm trying to calm her down. "What's with the sniffles, Sunshine?" Colton.

"We have a doctor's appointment." Glen answered for her.

But of course Colton already knew about the doctor's appointment. A yearly physical was necessary not only to attend school but to be eligible to play sports, as the athletic director so kindly reminded him. It's not like Colton forgot that little bit, but he was hoping to push it longer for the kids to be acclimated before subjecting them to torture.

Colton also hated the doctors. Tattoos, fine. Shots, hell no.

"You'll be fine, Hayes. Glen and I will both be there with you. Dr. James is a nice man, you can ask Fran or Emerson. They see him, too." With Colton holding Hayes in his arms, Austin was able to approach her. Grabbing a napkin off the table, he gently wiped her cheeks clean of tears. "There's no need to cry, baby. It's just a simple check-up."

Smiley and Sunshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें