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HAHAHAHA it's way past my bedtime right now but I couldn't resist and I'm going to regret the lack of sleep but here you go. I think I'm a teensy bit delirious too so who knows what y'all are about to read! I hope you like it.

*Beware of basketball references at some point in the chapter... if you're not a fan of basketball, they will probably make absolutely no sense to you.* 🙂

Austin sat on the floor, his legs bent at the knees with his back resting against Glen's bed. His head was dropped forward, his forehead propped against his steepled hands.

He didn't know what to do.

For one of the few times in his life, he was at a complete loss. Way out of his depth of comfort. Sure he'd been slow at times, plenty of times as a matter of fact, floundering around without any true guidance as he, Baker, and Colton tried to do what was best for their family, but never this -- never this feeling of being utterly lost.

And to make matters worse, he had a migraine.

A sudden flash of light caught his attention. Rubbing his forehead, he blindly stretched out his right hand, fumbling around for his phone that was somewhere on the ground. Resting his elbows on his knees, he held his phone in both hands. He tapped the screen with his thumb, causing the screen to light up again. He winced. Too bright.


There was one new message from Baker.

Austin wasn't surprised to see his brother up at this horrifyingly early hour. He faintly remembered Baker mentioning he was working day shift tomorrow, which was today. Friday. Considering dayshift ran 0500 to 1700, Baker and Peyton would probably join them for dinner again, unless of course Baker had a late call-out or something else work-related. Baker never spoke about specifics and the brothers never asked.

But he digress.

He needn't worry about Baker's schedule for dinner when there was a bigger issue at hand.

Austin dropped his legs, stretching them out in front of him as he searched real hard inside for motivation to get up. Ever since he managed to get Glen to fall back asleep, he'd been sitting here in a daze. Which meant he basically got no sleep. It was going to be one hell of a day, that's for sure.

Across the room, Colton had dozed off on Francis' bed. For his own sanity, Colton wanted to be close by in case Glen had another nightmare or night terror, or whatever the hell that was. Austin saw that Colton was still feeling immense guilt, blaming himself for the catastrophe of the whole night since he was the one who first pointed out Glen's odd behavior. Austin closed his eyes as he sighed, how differently this night could have gone if for only one little change of events.

Life sure was crazy.

Austin's face was highlighted again as a new message popped onto his screen, again from Baker. This time actually unlocking his phone, the messages appeared just as a third message was received.

Hey AJ. hows everything at homebase?

LMK if you need me today.

Chubba for ESA tonight? We gotta tell them bro.

Austin knocked the back of his head gently against the bedframe as he pinched his eyes closed. Okay God, I think I'm reaching my limit. Find another soldier soon, please.

He loved Baker, but he didn't need that reminder right this second. He was very well aware the trial was encroaching. Yet another obstacle to work through.

Anymore, God?

Don't answer that.

He didn't bother responding to his brother's messages for the time being. Heaving yet another sigh, an omen for how the day was going to proceed,  Austin clutched his phone in one hand and stood up from the floor. Tucking his phone into his gym short pockets, he quietly fixed Glen's comforter before leaning over and kissing his head.

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