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"Where are we going?"

Hayes was right on Glen's tail as they walked through the gates, officially marking the end of the school grounds. Her hands were clenching her backpack straps, hesitancy written on her face as she followed her brother.

Hesitant, but submissive nonetheless, she'd follow Glen to Hell and back.

"Away from here." Glen replied, glancing behind him for a brief second to see if she'd challenge him before turning back around.

It didn't take a genius to know that they shouldn't be doing this. In a couple minutes, Colton would ask where he is when he didn't show up to practice, probably question Abe and Theo. They may or may not divulge about the weird lunch moment, making Colton even more frantic if they mention the Bear's name.

Vincent Merling.

Just thinking about his name gave Hayes the shivers.

At the same time, Coach Gordon, the girls' basketball coach would be wondering where Hayes was. It would make no sense that the young girl would miss the opportunity to play ball. He'd probably run over to the boys' practice to check with Colton.

Then all hell would break loose when Colton realizes that they were gone.

Hayes' heart skipped a beat.


She didn't like that. Her left hand shot out to tug on Glen's backpack, making him stop.

"What?" He asked impatiently, his body already turning back around to keep moving. The faster they got to the bus stop, the more likely they could escape without being caught.

She faltered at his glare for a moment. "Are we running away?"

He raised an eyebrow at her. "No."

"Then what are we doing?"

"Going for a walk." He made it sound so casual, so normal as if they weren't doing anything wrong.

Why? Hayes wanted to know but wisely didn't question him any more. She could see Glen was very on-edge, unpredictable.

When she didn't say anything else, he nodded and started walking again. "Let's go. It said online that the bus comes every 20 minutes."

With no other choice but to follow along, she hustled to catch up to him. If Glen thought they should be doing this, she was going with him. He says jump, she asks how high.

Hayes snickered quietly at her own thoughts. Jokes on him, she'd make him jump first.

Their shoes hitting the pavement was a rhythmic sound, filling the silence around them. Walking at a decent pace, the school was almost a blur in the distance. Cars drove by as students went home after a day of school but no one spared the kids a second look.

Glen pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking for any notifications before turning it completely off.

There. Now no one can bother them.

"Where's your phone?"

"At home." Hayes replied. Where exactly, she didn't know. But that wasn't important.

Glen nodded, satisfied. He quickly stretched out his arm to stop her from walking past him. They'd reach the bus stop.

Empty, good.

"Why'd you turn your phone off?" Hayes asked curiously. She'd been watching him, observing how he ignored his friends' text messages. None from their brothers. Yet.

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