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Did I read over this? Nope.

So don't be too harsh now. It's my birthday month :p

Also, shorter chapter (?) I am absolutely swamped IRL right now so you get quality over quantity or something like that.

Hope this doesn't let y'all down.


You may stumble.
You may fall.
But you will get back up again.
And I will be right there with you to help.


"Dakota, I have some silly questions for you. Just humor me, will you?"

The young man's eyes squinted in confusion, not recognizing who was standing there. But they acted like they knew him. Dakota turned his head towards his left shoulder, looking for his older brother to help him.

Baker was leaning against the drab colored wall, his boots crossed at the ankles, his right shoulder holding up his weight. Lindsey was tucked in the corner, half hidden behind Baker's frame.

Baker dipped his chin, nodding once.

"Okay," Dakota replied, his voice coming out weak, a representation of how his whole body felt. He slowly turned his head back to the other side to face the doctor-look-alike, his hand starting to come up to adjust the pillow behind his head before he dropped it.

Took too much energy.

The doctor stared down at him; her lips pressed together as she assessed her patient. "Do you know what day it is?"

Dakota blinked, unable to understand the relevance of the question. Why the fuck did he care what day it was?

But yet the doctor continued to stand at his bedside, patiently waiting. She apparently thought it was important, with the way she mindlessly spun a pen between her fingers, still waiting for his answer.

The young man pinched his eyes closed, hiding his embarrassment as he tried to think. Because who didn't fucking know what day it was?

Nothing was coming to mind, though. It was just blank, nothing to pull from. Nada.

He couldn't even begin to guess.

He was the fucking idiot who didn't know what day it was.

Dakota shook his head the barest amount. His flushed cheeks producing color compared to his overall paleness.

"That's okay," the doctor easily assured, taking the response in stride. "How about the month?"

"August," Dakota didn't hesitate, his eyes flying open. He knew that.

He totally knew that.

But then in his periphery, he caught Baker shifting his weight. Subtle but there. Dakota turned again so his left cheek was pressed against his shoulder. He noticed how Baker's arms were pressed more tightly against his chest as if holding himself back. A wave of uneasiness went through Dakota. "Or not?"

The doctor gave no indication if he had said the correct response. She moved on to the third question. "And who is the president?"

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