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!!!! Bet y'all can guess what a common topic is in our house (hehe begins with p and ends with p, must spell pup!! Or poop)... sorry, we all have the same sense of humor. The potty language #LottethePotty should die down when my siblings and I disperse back to our respective schools sometime next week. In the mean time, I'll have to find a new topic to entwine in this wonderful story.

Publishing before I self destruct and delete the chapter. Read at your own risk.

🎵At laaaaaaaast... 🎵

A mutual decision was made to head straight to the Rayon residence. After a six hour car ride, it was highly likely that if the siblings had gone to the hotel first, then they wouldn't have left again until the next morning.

Driving was utterly exhausting.

There was a nervous excitement twittering throughout the car as they pulled up to the familiar house. As if keeping guard watch from the window, within seconds the front door to the Rayon home was flung open and out came Mrs. Deja Rayon.

"Oh my sweet Glen and Hayes!" She exclaimed, running with her arms wide open.

Behind her stood her husband and son in the doorway, watching in blatant amusement.

"I thought we said to play it cool, Honey," Sergeant Stephen Rayon called after his wife.

"Hate to break it to you, dad, but I think that is her playing it cool." Patrick stage-whispered, the two laughing as they fist-bumped.

Deja Rayon paid no attention to them, instead, focusing all her energy on wrapping her babies up in a motherly hug.

"Mama D," Glen soaked up her affection. Hayes was a little more on the timid end, but still cuddling close in her embrace. Deja Rayon just had that special affect on people.

"I missed you both so much! Look at you! Y'all look so great and happy. You guys are growing like weeds, oh my goodness." Deja Rayon couldn't get the words out fast enough, she was so, so ecstatic to have the kids there.

She was practically jumping up and down, that's how joyous she felt right now.

Austin and Baker witnessed the reunion with a smile as they walked over, the lady's energy infectious. They finally had a face to match the voice on the phone and she was perfect.

It didn't look like she was going to let the kids go anytime soon, either.

There was a squeal of surprise from their little sister followed by a manly groan as Patrick was on the receiving end of a bony elbow. He had the great idea to sneak up on her, which greatly backfired.

Stephen passed the motley crew to come greet the eldest brothers. The man was dressed casually in a nice pair of black shorts and a blue polo, strolling down the driveway with his hands swinging freely by his sides.

"Hey, Austin, nice to see you again." Stephen patted Austin on the shoulder, like a father does to his son, before pulling him in for a hug. He saw the siblings as part of his family, their love for Glen and Hayes bringing them together.

"Thanks for having us," Austin replied. He clapped a hand on Baker's shoulder, introducing him, "This is my brother, Baker. Baker, this is Stephen Rayon, the kids' guardian angel all these years."

"Ah, the legendary right hand man," Stephen shook Baker's hand, a solid presence. "How are you?"

"I don't know about legendary, Sir," Baker laughed, "But I'm doing good. Certainly feeling blessed these past couple months."

Smiley and SunshineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ