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~Fun-day Sunday~

"Peanut butter jelly time,
peanut butter jelly time,
peanut butter jelly,
peanut butter jelly,
peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat."

Apparently Hayes woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. She wasn't quite sure how that song ended up in her head, but it was catchy and now she couldn't stop singing it as she made her way into the kitchen looking for any sign of her brothers.

Where oh where, was her eldest brother at? She was needy and wanted a hug.

She found the kitchen empty so Hayes maneuvered her way around for some water. A lone note left on the counter caught her eye, diverting her attention from the fridge. It was from Austin, letting everyone know that he went to church and he'll be back soon and please don't kill each other.

Oh ye of little faith.

Hayes grinned. She knew what this meant. The tv was free! Finally, she would be able to watch whatever she wanted and no one could tell her otherwise because there was absolutely no one else awake currently in the house beside her. Sweet victory!

Coffee mug full of water in hand, the lid a necessity since she had a habit of spilling, she made her way from the kitchen to the family room. All she had to do was simply remember the directions Austin taught her on how to pull up the show recordings. What a gift it was to be able to watch shows whenever you wanted.

It was time for some Family Feud!

Or not.

Hayes tilted her head to the side, intrigued by what she was seeing. It wasn't even that early, already 9 am, but yet here laid Dakota and Emerson, passed out on the couch. She wondered if they slept down here all night when they had way more comfortable beds just right upstairs. Why were boys so lazy?

Hmm, she squinted her eyes glancing from each brother, or maybe they were dead. Guess Austin's request was a fail.

She chuckled at her morbid thoughts, before slowly grimacing. She should probably stop joking about death considering her grandfather was currently a 'person-of-interest' in a murder investigation. Don't want people to think she's crazy or something. Meh, Hayes shrugged, too late for that.

She softly placed her cup on the coffee table before slowly making her approach closer to the side of the couch where Emerson was sprawled out, tempted to poke him to see if he was breathing. She learned her lesson last time about disturbing Dakota and definitely did not want to repeat that. Though, how scary could he be while wearing his obnoxiously bright neon green sweatshirt? She let out a snort, looking down at her own sweatshirt. Best purchase ever, thank you, Baker.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." someone grumbled.

Hayes froze. She was so busted.

Her gaze slowly slid up to Dakota's face before transferring to Emerson's face. Sure enough, Emerson was staring right back at her with one eye open, but slightly glazed over indicating that he wasn't truly awake. She didn't say anything, didn't move a muscle, in hopes that he'd fall back in to dreamland.

"Too early, go away." He muttered sleepily, waving a hand as if to shoo her away. It made her giggle. It was not early! The day was wasting away and she had some television to watch.

She eyed him some more, debating what her options were before a brilliant idea hit her. Spinning on her foot, she went to leave the family room.

"No wait, don't leave. I'm cold, come snuggle with me." Emerson changed his mind when he saw he making an escape. He was the birthday boy and he wanted to cuddle with his little sister.

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