Chapter Eighteen: An Unwelcome Guest

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            Harry didn't remember how they got to the bedroom, but he knew he'd never forget what they did there.

Lying in a tangled mess of limbs, sweaty and satisfied, Harry opened his mouth to ask what this meant when Draco cut him off. "Don't say anything, Harry. For five more minutes, let us just lay here. Please." The note of desperation is what convinced Harry to shut up, more than the words themselves.

Draco sighed and snuggled up closer to Harry, who dragged the man closer still. After the five minutes were up, Harry had been counting, Draco was snoring lightly, exhausted for work and, uhh, other things.

With nothing else to do, Harry fell asleep too.
He was awoken by a knocking on the front door. Untangling himself from Draco, who was still asleep, Harry stumbled to the dresser and pulled out a pair of silk pajama pants. Draco's pants were easier to find than his own at the moment. He had no idea where they'd dropped them.

Another knock sounded, and Harry hurried down the hallway, determined to reach the door before the noise woke Draco. Reaching the door, Harry yanked it open. A stunningly beautiful man stood there, his bronzed skin set off by his pale green eyes and dark hair.

"Who are you?" the two raven haired men asked in unison.



"Harry?" Chance asked, his face going from confusion to anger in a second. "Don't tell you you're the Harry Potter?"

Harry blinked at him. "I think so?"

"What the fuck, Draco?" Chance barked.

Harry jumped. "Can you be quieter? Draco's sleeping," he hissed. "And just who are you?"

"I'm Draco's boyfriend!" Chance yelled.

Taking a step back, stunned, Harry opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He felt like his heart was being constricted in his chest. Draco had a boyfriend? Then why... "He's never mentioned you."

Chance glanced away from Harry. "We're on a break. But that doesn't give him the right to cheat on me! And with Harry fucking Potter no less!"

"How do you know who I am?" Harry asked, still confused by the entire situation.

Rolling his eyes, Chance pushed past Harry into the living room. "What, you're Draco's first great love, the one he's never been able to replicate, and you don't even know? That's rich."

Harry's head was reeling. Chance couldn't be speaking the truth; he just couldn't. Draco didn't love him – hadn't loved him. But then why had they just...

"I mean, look at us – we even look alike! It's disgusting."

Harry glanced between them and had to admit Chance was right on that front.

"For fuck's sake, Harry, what are you doing out here?" Draco entered the room and froze. "You!" he hissed, pointing his finger at Chance.

"I didn't mean to let him in," Harry said, holding up his hands in surrender. Draco looked murderous.

"Draco," Chance greeted, taking a step back from Draco, who seemed to be turning a delicate shade of pink.

"Get out. Now."

"Not until I get my say."


Harry looked between the two and started inching away.

"Harry, stay," Draco commanded. Harry froze.

"I love how the minute I'm gone, you bring him back," Chance sneered. It could rival Malfoy's own.

"Um, I was a surprise visit," Harry interjected.

"Even worse!" Chance threw up his hands. "Would you really rather be in a half-assed something with him than in a relationship with me, Draco!?"

"Yes! Because at least Harry never cheated on me with some random man! Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to get tested for HIV because I didn't know if you'd been safe or not? What kind of story I had to come up with?"

Chance laughed. "He never cheated on you, just he never loved you either. So what, I made a mistake; it doesn't mean that I love you less than he does – he doesn't care."

"I care," Harry whispered.

"Huh?" Draco said, his attention still mostly on Chance.

"I said, I care!"

Both men stopped staring each other down and turned to Harry, who shifted from one foot to the other. "You what?" Draco asked. A spark of something deep in his gaze warmed Harry and loosened his tongue.

"I said, I care about you. If I didn't, we wouldn't have just had sex. I'm not the type for casual flings."

Draco frowned at Harry, his brow furrowed, so he missed Chance giving him a shove. Being unprepared, he toppled to the ground.

Harry saw red. He was smashing his first into Chance's nose before he could think the situation through. The man crumpled, his nose gushing blood.

Draco picked himself up off the ground and pulled his wand out. Harry didn't know what the spell Draco used was as he didn't say the words aloud, but Chance's eyes drifted shut. "Put him outside the door," Draco sighed.

Harry did as he was told. When he returned, Draco was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. "I'm sorry I punched him," Harry muttered. He wasn't really, but it seemed like the thing to say.

"No, you aren't."

Harry shrugged and sat down next to him. "I guess not. He deserved it."

Draco sat up and leaned into Harry.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Okay." Harry wrapped his arm around the other man's shaking shoulders, and he realized Draco was crying, whether from anger, fear, or sadness Harry didn't know. He didn't ask.

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