Chapter Fourteen: Confused Confession

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            For the first time since Harry arrived, Draco left for work alone. Harry didn't know why, but he was jittery from the sudden absence of the other man. He had become accustomed to looking over and seeing Draco's smirk at any given moment.

"Harry, you have got to stop shaking your leg – you're shaking the entire couch!" Hermione said exasperated.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled.

"What's gotten you so riled up? I haven't seen you this tense since we were hunting Horcruxes," Ron added.

Harry colored. He didn't know how to tell his friends he was anxious because Draco was out of his view. It felt like the man would disappear again if Harry wasn't around him at all times.

Hermione gave him an understanding smile. "Harry's nervous Draco is going to vanish again, right?"

Nodding in relief, Harry avoided his friends' gazes. "Yea, that's right."

Ron scoffed. "I don't think he's going anywhere – his entire life is here now, Harry."

"I also don't think he'd leave without saying goodbye to you," Hermione murmured.

Harry jerked his head around to face her so quickly his neck seized up. Ignoring the pain, he demanded, "Why do you say that?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at his reaction, and he colored. "Because," she started in her professor's voice, "he seems rather attached to you."

Harry and Ron both stared at her, their mouth agape. "Why do you say that?" Harry spluttered, repeating himself.

Hermione rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Really, you two are so oblivious."

"Yes, yes, we know. Now tell me what you mean."

"I'm curious too," Ron added.

"Well, he's letting you stay with him when you obviously have the money to rent a room at a hotel. And when we came in, Draco stayed as close to you as he possibly could. He was always within arms reach of you, and vice versa. You were just as bad as him, Harry. When he moved, you moved. And before today, I could never imagine a world where Draco Malfoy would apologize for anything, let alone to us. I think he was doing that for you as much as he was for himself and us." She took a breath before rushing out, "And since I don't see another bed set up, I can only imagine that you two have come to come sort of agreement about the bed."

Harry turned beet red, and Ron groaned. "Don't tell me you're sleeping with Draco, Harry!"

"I'm not – I mean I am – but it's not like that! He gets night terrors, but he calms down when I'm there."

"Harry," Ron groaned.

"That's so sweet," Hermione whispered.

"So what?" Harry asked defensively.

"Nothing," Hermione said, shooting Ron a pointed look. He quickly wiped the grimace from his face. "But as I was saying, Draco seems rather attached to you." She gave him a pointed stare as if to say, "And so do you."

Harry shifted and glanced away. "I think I have a problem, guys."

"You like him, don't you," Hermione stated.

"Oh mate, tell me it isn't true!" Ron cried.

Harry threw his hands up in the air. "I don't know, okay? I was just starting to think maybe I don't just feel friendship towards the man when you two showed up!"

Hermione giggled but turned it into a cough at the glare Harry sent her way. "Well, what do you feel when you're with him? Or without him, I guess."

Harry took a deep breath and looked at his hands. "I always hated him, and then when he disappeared, I felt like I had lost something, even though we hadn't spoken in years. I felt like I had misplaced something, and I was constantly searching for it in the back of my mind."

Hermione and Ron exchanged a charged glance but let Harry continue.

"And then I was handed his case, and I was obsessed with finding answers, with finding him. Hell, I projected myself, and we all know how dangerous that is."

"And illegal," Hermione added.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Only slightly illegal – I would have only gotten a fine if anyone found out. I felt compelled to find him, and once I knew he was alive, I became even more obsessed with him. And then I came here, and I found him."

"Oh, Harry," Hermione sighed.

"I found him, and the moment I laid eyes on him, I forget how much work I'd put into finding him, I forgot we used to be enemies, and I rushed at him because I had to hold him. And he hugged me back, and by the time I came to my senses, it was too late. And I've been confused ever since."

"I think you've got a thing for Malfoy, mate," Ron surprised Harry by saying with a straight face.

"I think your hatred and obsession with him always bordered on something more," Hermione put gently.

Harry lowered his head into his hands. "I don't know what I'm doing, guys. I feel like something horrible is going to happen because he's out of my sight. What am I supposed to do when I have to go back to work? What am I supposed to do with the knowledge that he's alive but doesn't want to be found? What am I supposed to say to his mother? Lie to her face?"

His friends stayed silent for several heartbeats, and then he felt Hermione's hand on his arm. "It's going to be okay, Harry. Everything is going to work out. I promise."

"How can you say that?" Harry moaned.

"Because you're Harry bloody Potter," Ron offered. "Things work out for you. I'm not saying that it'll be easy, but I know it'll work out."

Harry lifted his head and stared at his friends. "You think?"

"Absolutely," Hermione said, sounding sure. Harry perked up slightly. Ron would stretch the truth to make him feel better, but Hermione never would.

"It's alright you have feelings for the git," Ron added, surprising Harry.

"It is?"

"Course it is. He seems like a better version of himself, and we trust you to make the best decision you can. Can't say the idea doesn't freak me out a bit, but it's alright." Ron smiled encouragingly at Harry.

"Who's to say he even feels anything for me. I mean, we've only just become friends." The idea hurt, but he knew it was more than likely.

"Harry, you really are quite daft sometimes. He was as obsessed with you as you were with him growing up. That doesn't just go away."

Hope kindled in Harry's chest. Maybe Hermione was right.

"He couldn't take his eyes off you, either," Ron said.

Harry felt himself blush. "What do I do?"

"We're only here for another two days. You have time to decide before you're all alone with him again."

Harry grinned back. "Alright. Thanks, guys."

"You're welcome. Now let's see what games Hermione has in her bag."

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