Chapter Seven: Dr. Peters' Interest

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Harry stayed in Draco's office for the remainder of Draco's shift, dozing lightly in the comfy desk chair. His Auror training had made it possible for Harry to fall asleep pretty much anywhere. A soft knock on the door made him jump awake.

A tall, reedy woman, several decades older than Harry entered holding a steaming mug. She smiled are Harry. "I'm Dr. Peters, Draco's colleague and mentor. You must be Harry."

Harry couldn't help but smile back. "I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Peters."

She set down the mug in front of him. "Here, tea. Three sugars and a dash of cream."

Frowning into the mug, he asked, "How do you know how I like my tea?"

Dr. Peter's tinkling laugh made him look up. "I don't, but Draco does. He's the one that asked me to bring you this."

"Oh." Harry didn't know what to do with this information. Why did Draco know how he liked his tea?

Dr. Peters gestured towards the chair across from Harry. "May I?"

Harry nodded.

Settling into the seat with a sigh, she said, "This is the first time I've sat down all night."

"It must be a lot of work to be a doctor," Harry observed.

"Extremely. But it's worth it all. I know Draco feels the same way.

Harry smiled at that.

"So, how do you know Draco? I've never met anyone close to him. In fact, you and two people named Ron and Hermione are the only people he's ever mentioned in passing."

Harry started. "Well, we all went to a boarding school together in Scotland. What did he say about us?"

Dr. Peters' eyes squinted slightly as she remembered. "Something about you being the Golden Boy, but for a good reason. How he always tried to live up to you and failed. And about Ron and Hermione being best friends of yours, and just as lovely."

Harry gaped. Why would Draco speak so highly of him? A warmth spread through Harry. "That's surprising."

"Why?" Dr. Peters asked, observing Harry.

"We, uh, weren't on the best of terms in school. In fact, we rather hated each other."

"That's a surprise. It always sounded like you were friends. If I may ask, why are you here?"

Harry paused, thinking. "His mother asked me to check on him."

Dr. Peters' eyebrows rose dramatically. "Mother? I always assumed his family was dead. He's never discussed anyone before."

Harry thought of Lucius, rotting in Azkaban. "His father's I prison, but his mother is very much alive and misses him dearly."

"Why did she choose you if you two didn't get along?"

Harry was uncomfortable with all the questions, but he couldn't figure out a way to get out of answering without using magic, and he had a feeling Draco would be upset if he confunded his mentor. "Everyone's grown up. Draco's been gone a long time, and I work for the police so I have clearance to travel internationally rather easily. So it just made sense to send me over here."

"I see." Her eyes flashed, and Harry felt like she had seen right through him to the warmth and concern Harry felt for Draco. He shook his head.

"Can you tell me about Draco's work here?" Harry was curious about what the man did exactly.

Dr. Peters lit up. "He's the youngest ER doctor we've ever had, and one of the best. He's already made a name for himself here. He's brilliant, both with patients and in emergencies. Without a doubt, a natural-born doctor."

Harry felt himself smile at the obvious affection in the woman's voice and the praises she was singing. "Does he always work nights?"

Dr. Peters nodded. "Yea, he does. He says he likes the stillness of the hospital – he can get more work done. We're tragically understaffed, so he works six days a week. We all do. But Draco is like the angel of life. Wherever he goes, people get better, even in the worst cases. It's like magic."

Harry had to suppress a snort. Of course, it was magic; the entire building had lit up like a neon sign when Harry had cast a tracking charm on Draco's magic when he'd gotten here. The charm had a small radius and was only helpful close-up. It was a relief to know that Draco was using his magic to help his patients – Harry didn't want to think of the moral implications if he wasn't.

"Does he seem happy?" Harry asked suddenly, catching himself off guard.

Frowning, Dr. Peters thought about her answer for a moment. "He isn't unhappy. He loves his work. But no, I wouldn't say he's happy. Whatever happened that made him come here weighs on him."

Harry nodded, unsurprised by the answer. During his trial, Draco had sat almost comatose, staring at his hands in his lap. The only time he had looked up was when Harry had taken the stand in his defense, and even then, their eyes only met for half a second before he returned his gaze downward. In that millisecond, Harry had seen into Draco's soul and the trauma that lay there.

The door opened. "Harry, I'm – oh, Dr. Peters, you're still here." Draco stared at the two. "I didn't mean to interrupt your tete-a-tete." Harry couldn't help but notice he looked displeased.

Dr. Peters rose and patted Draco's shoulder on the way out. "I'll see you in two days, Draco."

Once she was gone, Draco rounded on Harry. "What were you talking about," he growled.

Harry leaned back in the chair and steepled his fingers. "You. Mostly how we know each other."

"Oh." Dravo deflated slightly.

"I did find out you've spoken of me."

Harry watched in interest as Draco colored a delicate shade of pink. "I – well – you may have come up occasionally."

Harry smirked.

Draco huffed. "Are you ready to leave, Harry?"

The way Draco said his name, instead of calling him Potter, shot a thrill through him. "Yea, let's go."

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