Chapter One: The File

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            Harry looked up as Hermione swept into his office, her robes flying behind her. "Hey, 'Mione."

"Harry. What's all over your desk?" She nodded towards the pile of candy wrappers littering his workspace.

"Ummm... lunch?"

"Harry James Potter! You know you need a better lunch than just candy!" Hermione lectured, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

"I've been busy with the McLavey case. Didn't have time."

"Harry..." Hermione swept her wand over the desk, and all the trash that had collected flew gracefully into his rubbish bin.

There was a knock on the door, and a small man that always reminded Harry of a rabbit scurried into the room. "Mr. Potter, I have your next assignment. Hello, Mrs. Granger-Weasley." He handed Harry the nearly empty folder without looking him in the eyes and scurried out.

"You know, I don't think he's ever looked me in the face before," Hermione commented, sitting on the corner of the desk. "Who is it, Harry?"

Harry dropped his gaze to the name emblazoned on the front and froze.


"It's Him, Hermione."

She cocked her head. "You don't mean..." she trailed off as Harry shoved the folder at her. Her mouth fell open.

"I finally got Him!" Harry had been waiting for this moment since he'd started working in the Missing Persons Department – the only person Harry himself wanted found. "Draco Malfoy," Harry read silently. Draco Lucius Malfoy.

"Harry," Hermione said hesitantly, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know how you can get. Don't get too obsessed with this case, alright?"

"Obsessed? Me? Never," he scoffed, his eyes still glued to the file.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner, but I see that's a useless invitation now. I'll let you be." She rose and left, the door closing quietly behind her.

Harry was too engrossed in the file to respond. Opening it, he found only one sheet of paper inside, along with a black and white photo of Draco. Setting that aside, he picked up the paper. It looked to be the original missing person report.

Report Date: May 4, 2000

Location: Malfoy Manor

Subject: Draco Lucius Malfoy

Narcissa Malfoy has reported her son, Draco Lucius Malfoy, missing. He has not been seen or heard from since May 2, 2000.

No friends to interview.

No signs of foul play.

No magic trace to be detected in Greater London.

Follow up interviews: None

Harry frowned and how brief it was. There were no details at all. He set down the report, if it could be called that, and picked up the photo. Draco stood within it, 19, his signature smirk in place. He stared out at Harry, tilting his head first one way, then the other, as if HE was the one inspecting, not Harry. And then, to Harry's utter amazement, Draco Malfoy smiled at him, showing off the dimple Harry hadn't known existed.

"Where are you, Malfoy?" he whispered.

Harry closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, running over what information he had gathered on his own over the years.

Draco had disappeared on May 2, 2000, exactly two years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry had been in the ministry, graduating at the time. Before his disappearance, Draco had been running what was left of his family's business ventures, and he had been doing it quite competently. When he disappeared, his office had been left exactly as it had been the day before.

His mother was the one that rang the alarm. His father was still in Azkaban, where he would be for the rest of his life. She had waited two days to phone the Magical Law Enforcement, which Harry didn't understand. He'd have to ask her.

Beyond that, he didn't know much about the circumstances around His disappearance. He'd never had the authority before to find out.

Tipping back to his regular position, Harry stared down at the single sheet of paper. He needed more information than that.

Standing, he ran his hand through his hair and yawned. He made his way downstairs to the Evidence Locker and politely requested the memories and items associated with the Draco Malfoy case.

Sally, the elegant woman who ran the department, didn't even look up from what she was writing. "There is none, Harry."

Harry frowned. "What do you mean?"

"There's no evidence. Nothing for you to check out."

"What about interviews?"

Sally shrugged. "None were conducted."

"There are no memories? Nothing?"

Finally looking up at his exasperated tone, she sighed. "None, Harry."

Harry stood there in shock. Draco Malfoy had been missing for five years, and not one interview had been conducted? He turned on his heel and stomped back to his office. Taking a black piece of paper, he hastily wrote:


I've been assigned Draco's case. When can we have an interview?


He called a ministry owl, and it flew out his window. In record time, it returned.

Mr. Potter,

I'm so glad my son's case is in your very capable hands. How about tonight? We can have dinner.


He hastily sent his acceptance. 

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