Chapter Twenty-Eight: Another Mother Figure

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Harry sat in Draco's office, waiting for him to get out of surgery. He still had trouble wrapping his head around Draco's skill as a Doctor. It was unparalleled to anything he'd ever experienced. Draco had a gift; there was no denying it.

He was trying hard not to dwell on the fact that he would be returning to England tomorrow. His three-week vacation in the United States with Draco had flown by, and honestly, he couldn't remember ever being happier. It just made everything worse. Perhaps if his life here with Draco hadn't been so perfect, he'd be less torn up about leaving, but Draco had been perfect his entire trip. Harry was positive he loved the blond man but hadn't worked up the courage to tell him so. The only thing worse than Draco not feeling the same was hearing so from Draco's own lips. If Harry never said anything, there was never a chance for rejection. Harry had never considered himself a coward, but he found in this singular situation he didn't have an ounce of courage.

A knock on the door brought Harry out of his brooding session. "Come in."

Dr. Peters pushed open the door with her hip while holding two mugs. She came over and sat one in front of Harry, taking the other over to Draco's side of the desk and sitting down. "I brought tea," she said.

"For both of us?" Harry asked, bemused. He'd only been here a day before he'd realized Dr. Peters only drank coffee. She detested tea.

"Coffee for me, of course," she said, smiling over the rim of her mug. She took a long sip and sighed. "Are you still leaving tomorrow?"

Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

Dr. Peters was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. "Draco is, without a doubt, the best doctor she has. Far better than I am, even though I've been doing it several decades longer than him, I understand he was in some kind of gang in England."

"Something like that," Harry offered.

"He's very tight-lipped about it, and I'm not trying to pry. You were not in this gang?"

"I was very vocally opposed to it, actually," Harry admitted.

Dr. Peters smiled at him. "It's amazing how fate works. You two were enemies, and now you're partners."

"It is weird, isn't it? If you had told me growing up that I'd be in this position, I would have thought you were crazy," Harry admitted.

"It's going to crush Draco when you leave tomorrow."

"I know," Harry murmured, lowering his gaze to his hands. "But I have to go back. I have a job."

"And what do you do?"

"I'm a detective for the missing persons department," Harry said.

"I see. That makes this all a bit more complicated, doesn't it?" Dr. Peters says, her eyes far away.

"Makes what more complicated?"

"I think Draco is happy here," Dr. Peters continues, as if Harry hadn't spoken at all. "But his mother is in England, and I'm sure she misses him desperately."

"She does," Harry confirms.

"And you are in England, as well as Hermione and Ron. Yes, I don't see another option."

"I'm sorry," Harry cut in. "I don't exactly follow what you're saying."

Dr. Peters pulled her gaze back to Harry with a frown. "Draco has to go back to England. It's the only solution."

Harry blinked at her. "He already said he won't."

She waved a hand. "Draco doesn't know what's best for him. At the end of the day, he has to go back to England. It's the only way he'll ever be truly happy."

"He won't leave the hospital here. You need him."

"We'll just hire another doctor to fill his place. Believe it or not, we do get applicants every now and again."

"But he loves being a doctor," Harry tried again.

Dr. Peters raised an eyebrow. "Are there no sick people in England?"

"Draco may be in some legal trouble if he returns to England, " Harry admitted. He wasn't sure how much Draco had told Dr. Peters, but he was relieved to have someone to talk to about the whole situation.

"And you're in law enforcement. I assume you can help him on that front?"

"I can try, but even I don't think I can completely erase this kind of trouble." Harry knew he had a lot of sway as The Boy Who Lived, but even he was limited in what he could do when it came to punishing death eaters.

"Our actions have consequences, no matter how much we've changed," Dr. Peters sighed. 

"But this is all theoretical," Harry said. "He's already told me he won't be going back."

The door opened before Dr. Peters could answer, and Draco stepped inside, looking tired but happy. "The patient came through. I think she's going to be alright." He paused when he realized Harry wasn't alone. "Am I interrupting something?"

Dr. Peters rose with a smile. "No, I was just bringing Harry tea." She swept out of the room.

Harry turned to Draco smiling, determined not to let his melancholy thoughts of leaving ruin their last night together.

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