Chapter Twelve: That's the Point

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            "What'd you think?" Draco yawned. They'd watched the last three movies, having started in the middle of the ABC marathon. When Harry didn't reply, Draco turned to find him frowning at the credits. "What's wrong?"

"That was one of the weirdest experiences of my life." Harry shuddered. "And they got as much wrong as they did right. Have you seen these before?"

Draco averted his eyes. He'd watched them on repeat over the years, obsessing over the events he hadn't known occurred at the time and those he had. "Yea, once or twice."

"Is that why you thought I was still with Ginny?"

Draco, surprised, answered honestly. "Yea. I figured they would know better than anyone else, given the circumstances."

Harry snorted. "Draco, they couldn't even get you right. Why would you think they got the epilogue right?"

Draco stared at Harry. "What do you mean they couldn't even get me right?"

Harry turned to him, bemused. "You can't really believe that's how you were, can you? And they didn't even mention you throwing me your wand in the Battle of Hogwarts. I would have died without your help."

"But that is how I was; I was awful." Draco had spent years feeling guilty over his past antics.

Harry nodded and then sighed, turning his whole body to face Draco on the couch. "Yes, you were cruel and tormented us mercilessly and were not the nicest to us."

"Wow, Potter, keep the compliments coming," Draco said dryly.

"Shut it; I'm not done. You were all those things, but you were also an incredibly talented wizard who constantly gave Hermione a run for her money. You were charismatic and could get anyone to follow you. And you were more loyal than anyone I'd ever met before."

Draco stared at his hands. "You make me sound like less of a bad guy."

"The only bad guy was Voldemort, Draco."

"And my father."

"And him, yes. And Bellatrix. But you know what I'm trying to say."

"Do you really believe what you're saying?" Draco didn't have the courage to look up into Harry's eyes.

"I do."

Before either of them could say anything else, Draco's phone went off. He dove off the couch, landing in a heap on the floor. "Hello?"

"I'm sorry to do this, Draco," Dr. Peters said, "but Yessica has become more alert, and we can't get her calm. We're trying not to sedate her again; she's been under for too long. Do you think you could come in and talk to her? You can bring your friends with you."

"Of course. I'll be right there." Draco was already halfway to his closet.

"Thank you, Draco." Dr. Peters hung up.

Draco was only have changed by the time Harry caught up to him. After Draco had shoved his head through his scrub shirt, he found a blushing Harry standing in the doorway. "What?"

Harry cleared his throat. "What's going on?"

"We're going to the hospital."

"I thought you didn't work today?"

"I don't, but something came up. Come on, let's go." Draco led the way to his car.

At the hospital, Draco rushed to Yessica's room, Harry trailing uncharacteristically silent behind him. Entering her room, he found several nurses and Dr. Peters still there.

"Thank god you're here. She keeps asking for her angel – we assume it's you since you're the only one who's spoken to her recently. And your hair."

"He does look very angelic, always has," Harry said with a straight face.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Thanks, guys, now let me see her." He hurried forward until he was at the girl's side. "Yessica, it's Dr. Malfoy. Can you hear me?'

Yessica rolled her eyes to look at Draco, unable to turn her head due to her neck brace.

"Mi ángel. Si." She switched to English. "Yes."

Draco beamed at her. "You're going to be okay, Yessica."

She licked her dry lips. "Who are all these people? Why am I here?"

Gently taking her hand, Draco said, "We're your healthcare team. We're all here to help you get better. As to why you're here, you were hit by a drunk driver while you were walking home."

"Where's my family?"

"They're on their way," Dr. Peters informed them. "I already called them and told them she was coherent and awake."

"Good." Draco patted her hand. "They'll be here soon."

"Stay with me," the girl begged, her eyes suddenly full of fright.

"I'm not going anywhere," Draco assured her. While waiting for her parents, Draco filled in the silence with funny stories from his rounds. It seemed like Yessica could have cared less about what he was saying as long as he was there with her. When her parents finally go there, Draco leaned down and told her, "I have to go, but I'll be back to check on you soon. You're safe, Yessica."

Turning to leave, Draco was surprised to find Harry standing next to the door, waiting for him. He had completely forgotten the other man was even there.

Harry cleared his throat. "That was... that was incredible to watch. You really have a gift, Draco."

Draco cocked his head. "You didn't even see me do something cool."

Harry flashed his boyish grin. "Didn't need to see you cut into someone. You made it very clear what kind of doctor you are."

"A competent one, I hope." Draco set off towards his office, Harry trailing behind him.

"One as brilliant as he is handsome," Harry said.

Draco stopped in his tracks, and Harry ran into his back, bouncing off slightly. "You can't say stuff like that Harry, a guy might get the wrong idea."

Harry chuckled behind him and pushed Draco to get him walking again. "What if that's the point?"

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