Chapter 21

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He then heard what he had been dreading for 6 years. There was a loud knock on the door. " Ash Ketchum! Open this god damn door so I can squash you to a pulp." Came the booming voice of the hot-tempered red-head he had known since he was ten.


Ash stared at Gary, who got the message and stood up. Gary then walked to the door and opened it. When it was just barely opened it was blasted open from the outside and Gary was sent flying across the room into the wall, instantly knocked out. 

While Ash found Gary's situation comedic, he didn't have much time to laugh as there was a group of very pissed off people in the group. In the front was the aforementioned red-head holding a mallet, with a look on her face that said Ash was in for a load of pain. Behind her was a bluenette, who looked like she still didn't believe like they had found Ash. Behind those two girls was the beautiful brunette, who Ash now realized he had, had a crush on for 8 years. Bringing up the rear of the group was all the guys, which included Brock, Paul, Richie, Tobias, Max, and Tracy.

Before anyone could say anything there came a voice that Ash recognized, but he could not see. "ASH!" Then from behind the 6 foot 1 pokemon doctor came Jade, who was crying with bloodshot eyes. She ran at him and suddenly he was tackled in a hug. He winced at the pain it caused, but didn't say anything as the 10 year old girl was crying on his chest. "Don't ever do anything like that again!" Her yell was muffled by Ash's hoodie, but she got the message across.

She eventually got off him and walked over to Gary to check if he was okay. She was quickly replaced by Misty from whom he a pounding to the head from her mallet. He felt like his whole body had been broken again as she quickly pulled him into a tight hug. "I--- can--t breath." He gasped out in pain. "Good." She simply said walking away, but not before giving him a sharp glare and making sure he was never going to run away again.

Next up was dawn who without any words gave him a backhand slap and then quickly hugged him, though not as tight as misty, to at least try and not hurt him that much. "Just... listen to what she said." Was the only words she spoke before smirking at May who had now been staring at him for a full minute not believing he was there. She slowly walked up to him and asked "Ash, is that really you?"  She slowly reached up to his face, standing on her tippy toes as she was short with her 5 foot 6 frame compared to his 6 foot 3 build and pulled down his hood.

She gasped, his brown eyes still held all the care they always had, but she could pain in those eyes as well. He now had a well-defined face, getting rid of all the baby fat. The sideways thunderbolt birthmarks were still there but they were more faded. All and all, she could tell it was Ash, but he had changed a lot. He no longer looked like a little kid, but a grown man who had seen many things, and May still found him as attractive as she did when he disappeared.

She quickly pulled him into a hug, which greatly surprised Ash. Ash waited for two minutes for her to break the hug and hurt him in some way, shape or form, but it never came. "Aren't you going to hurt me?" He asked "No, not yet anyway." She replied without missing a beat. Ash sat there for another minute before she suddenly pulled out of the hug and slapped him in the face, hard. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA YOU MADE US WORRY, YOU MADE ME WORRY. I LOOKED FOR YOU FOR THREE MONTHS STRAIGHT BEFORE MY PARENTS STOPPED ME. WHY DID YOU LISTEN TO THEM AND LEAVE. YOU COULD HAVE COME TO ANY OF US AND WE WOULD HAVE BELIEVED YOU. You, you made us so worried." May finished, sobbing. Ash quickly wrapped her up in his arms, comforting her. "Hey, its okay. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere." Ash whispered in her ear. "You better not, or else I'll track you down and you'll wish you never hid from my wrath." She threatened laughing and crying at the same time, glad to be back in the embrace of the man she had missed so much. 

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