Chapter 6

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I am back. So here is yet again another chapter. I am sorry if I'm not uploading enough. I try my hardest. I think that I'm doing good though. If I'm not contact me. Any ways when I get probably two more chapters done I will maybe start a new story. But I will still continue this one. Now anyways, in the comments tell me the Pokemon Jade should catch. If you haven't figured it out Jade is an OC. Now on with the story.

DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN POKEMON...................................................................... Sadly 😔

We find Ash and jade walking out of the forest.

"Thank you so much for helping me train Ash. I'm so glad I decided to come to the tournament. And with you as well. You have a good chance at winning. If I observe you enough I might learn some really useful tactics. " Jade yelled
"Thanks Jade but I don't think I will win the tournament I might make top 4 at most. Did you forget that there are champions, gym leaders, and elite four here." Ash said

They were now at the edge of the clearing.
"And there is also me in the tournament ashy-boy." Said an anonymous voice.
Ash looked up to see a boy about his age. He had spikey brown hair. He wore a purple long sleeved T-shirt with drown sweat pants.

Next to him was a man who was one year older than Ash. He had purple hair. He was dressed in a blue and black sweatshirt that was zipped up half way. He had grey sweat pants and blue shoes.
"Gary, Paul, nice to see you." Said Ash
"Nice to see you too ashy-boy." Said Gary using his childhood nickname.
"Hi Ash" Paul said in an unusual warm tone but he kept his glare.

"Where are the other two." Asked Ash.
"At the Pokemon center arguing as usual." Explained Gary in a tired tone.
"Well let's go." Said Ash.
On the way to the Pokemon center Jade asked Ash "who are these people."
"They are my friends and rivals. They are also the only people in the world who know where I was." He explained.
"That's cool." Said Jade.
They made it to the Pokemon center. They entered and saw two people in the lobby arguing.

"I know for a fact that you couldn't catch that Darkrai with you other Pokemon. So how did you catch it." Asked one figure.
"I am not going to tell you that." Said the other.
"Tobias, Ritchie, that's enough." Yelled Ash.
The now identified Ritchie and Tobias looked up.
"Hi Ash" they greeted.
They talked for awhile but eventually Jade had a question. "So how did you find Ash." She asked
They had all gotten to know Jade.

Two years after betrayal
Mt. Silver

4 figures were walking up the mountain.
"Why would he go to the top of Mt. Silver. The most dangerous and difficult place to get to." Said one of them.
"I don't know but when we find him I'm going to punch him so hard." Said another.

"That's the reason he came up here, so he wouldn't be found." Said the third.
"Guys I see something." Said the last.
These people were Gary, Richie, Paul, and Tobias, Ash's old friends/rivals. They were here to look for Ash. They've been looking everywhere for him for the past two years.

They walked and came to a cave. Inside they could see a man and his Pikachu.
They walked up to him.
"Ash." Yelled Gary.
Ash turned and looked at him. His face was harder than before he was also more muscular but it was Ash.
"Hi." He said in a deeper voice than he had before.

"Hi.... That's all you can say after two years of being missing. We all come to battle you because we wanted a rematch. We all traveled together when we found out we had the same objective. We come to your house to be greeted by no one and the house was a little burnt. We go to the professor's lab and find out that team rocket killed your mother and you disappeared after the funeral. We've been looking for you for two years and all you say is hi?" Yelled Richie.

"Why did you disappear I know it's not because of your mothers death." Asked Tobias.
"Well." Ash told them the story of his betrayal.
"But still you wouldn't leave because of that." Said Paul.
"Your right I left to get stronger. I wasn't strong enough to protect my mom so I left so that the same couldn't be said for anyone else. But there's another reason I left. I plan to get revenge on team rocket I plan to take down the whole thing." Explained Ash. To which they gasped.
"We want to help." They said.

"Sorry don't want you getting hurt." Said Ash.
"Last I checked I'm stronger than you." Said Tobias.
"Oh I n easily defeat you." Said Ash.
"Then prove it." He said

They were somewhere in the cave that was open. It was the perfect spot for a battle.
"Alright Darkrai go." Yelled Tobias
Ash sends out Pikachu.
"You can have the first move." Said Tobias.
"Pikachu thunder-bolt full power." Ash said calmly.
The thunder-bolt hit it's Target and on impact it exploded. When the dust clears it shows a fainted Darkrai.
Gary, Richie, Paul, and especially Tobias were shocked.

Flashback end

Jade was shocked.
"You took out a Darkrai in one move." She yelled.
"I'm still shocked about that." Said Gary.
"So Tobias how did you get your Darkrai."
"Fine I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone." He said. To which she nods.

14 years ago
A forest in Sinnoh

Tobias started his journey two months ago. He was 10.
He was walking through the forest when he heard yelling.
He ran to it.
When he got there he saw a bunch of Pokemon in cages. There was about 4 people which were poachers. But what caught his eyes was a Latios and Darkrai.

He snuck behind the poachers and freed the legends. They knocked out the poachers and freed the pokemon.
"That was very brave young man. I want to join your team I think you can handle my power." Said the Darkrai.
He then tapped a pokeball and got sucked in.
What surprised him was that the Latios did the same thing.

Flashback end

"Wait you have to legendary pokemon!" Jade yelled
"Yes I do." Said Tobias.
Everyone was shocked on how he met the legends except Ash.
Richie looked at him and said "aren't you supposed."
"No he's told me before." He said.
They all nodded they're heads.

"So wanna train." Ash asked
They all nodded.

Two hours later

They had just finished training. Ash was sparring with Infernape so he was sweaty. Infernape was passed out on the ground.

Ash gave him a revive and he got up.
"Still can't beat me buddy." He said
"It still shocked me how you can defeat all your fighting types." Said Gary.
"What can I say I've had six years of training." He said.
Jade was talking to her newly evolved Charmeleon.
He now knew the moves slash, scratch, ember flamethrower, reflect, iron tail, dig, dragon rage, firespin, thunderpunch, firepunch, and brick break.
You did great today Charmeleon. After awhile you will be the best pokemon in the world.
There was suddenly a rustle in the bushes.
Suddenly something popped out.

I'm done. Sorry it took so long ive been working with my dad and making alot of money. Anyways make sure you tell me in the comments what Pokemon Jade should catch. Just remember that this is my first story. Also we're almost at 100 reads. I just want to thank you for that. Well tell me if you like the story and ask questions in the comments. With that being said PEACE.


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