Chapter 8

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Alright I'm back. Sorry it took so long, but I'm working on a new story that I'm hoping you will like. Not trying to give spoilers but it is a Pokemon book. Since I haven't posted in awhile I'm going to try and make this extra long. Anyways with that being said let's get into the chapter.

DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN POKEMON...................................................................... Sadly 😔

Ho-Ho suite
Ash and Jade's room

Jade woke up to a wonderful smell.
She walked out of her room and into the kitchen. She saw Ash cooking.
There was a knock on the door. She got up and answered it.
Standing there was Paul, Ritchie, Gary, and Tobias.
"So, we smelled good and figured Ash was cooking." Said Gary.
"Aahhh, right on time." Ash said. "I knew this would happen so I made extra."
They literally devoured the food in 3 minutes. After they finished they went to the lobby.
"We better get to the main stadium the opening ceremony starts in 30 minutes." Said Paul in his usual cold voice.
They all nodded in agreement.

Main stadium

The group had just made it to the stadium. Jade had to sit in the stands since she wasn't participating.
There was many people in the stadium. Ash recognized alot of them from when he was traveling the regions.
He then heard a voice behind him. "Hey Satoshi." Said a familiar blue-headed boy.
Ash turned around "Hey, Max how ya been." He said
"Pretty well." He responded
Ash was about to reply but someone cleared they're throat causing everyone to look at the stage.
On the stage was the president of the league Charles Goodshow and behind him in chairs are the champions and elite four of each region.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the Masters tournament." His voice boomed. "This is the first time this tournament is being held and it is to my honor that I am here to see it. Now, here are the rules and the way the rounds will happen." He then began explaining how the tournament works. Everyone was listening with open ears. Well, with the exception of Ash since he knew everything that was being said. Instead he was thinking. 'It looks like the champions haven't been defeated while I was gone. That means that they must be stronger than before.' He thought Mr. Goodshow finally finished with the rules.
"And now we will have a mock battle between a randomly selected champion or elite four against a randomly selected trainer suddenly there was rectangle on the screen with a question mark in it below it was a question mark. Suddenly the pictures of the champions and elites flashed in the box. It kept flashing untill it landed on Lance's picture. There was then another rectangle and the same thing happened but with trainers in the tournament. It kept flashing untill it landed on Ash's picture and stopped.
"And it will be Champion Lance versus Satoshi Hikari of Mt. Silver." Yelled Mr. Goodshow yelled.
"Will both trainers head to the field." Said a referee.
Ash started walking to the field. As he was walking he muttered under his breath "random my ass. This was set up."
He got to the field and went in his box.
"This will be a one on one mock battle between Champion Lance and Satoshi Hikari of Mt. Silver." The referee yelled. "Are both trainers ready." He yelled to which they nodded "Begin."
"Dragonite Battle time." Yelled Lance
Out came his psuedo-legendary pokemon. His strongest Pokemon.
"Show them your will, Sceptile." Yelled Ash Out came a green lizard-like Pokemon.
When Sceptile was called he put his twig in his mouth and got into a cool stance.
"Dragonite us thunder-bolt." Yelled Lance (I'm not doing moves in bold anymore)
Dragonite released a yellow bolt of lightning straight at Sceptile.
The lizard stood there doing nothing but at the last second Dissapeard and reappeared behind Dragonite.
"Wow, I couldn't see Sceptile move." Mr. Goodshow yelled.
"Now Leaf-Blade on his legs." Ash said calmly
The leaf on Sceptiles arm glowed green as he swiped Dragonite's legs making him fall to his knees.
He then returned to Ash's side of the field.
"Now use sunny day." Said Ash
Sceptile launched a glowing ball into the air which caused the sun to be way brighter increasing Sceptiles Grass attacks.
"Dragonite use Giga Impact." Yelled Lance
Dragonite got off his knees and started charging at Sceptile. He was surrounded in a purple glow.
Ash then smirked and surprised everyone "take it." He said
Sceptile stood his ground.
When Dragonite hit Sceptile it caused a large explosion. There was dust on the field making it impossible to see.
When it cleared it showed a panting Dragonite and a Sceptile with a few cuts and bruises. This surprised everyone.
"Amazing Sceptile looks like it got hit with a tackle." Yelled Mr. Goodshow
"H-how." Said Lance
"Intense training." Ash said with a smirk"Now Sceptile Solar Beam." Said Ash.
Sceptile formed a white ball thanks to the sunny day it formed faster and it was stronger. After five seconds Sceptile launches it surprising alot of people. What surprised Ash was that when the attack was over Dragonite was still standing with many cuts and bruises littered over his body.
"Satoshi's Sceptile charges a powerful solar Beam in just five seconds. He is definitely no pushover." Said Mr. Goodshow.
"Dragonite while while he can't move dragon breath and then giga impact." Lance yelled
A purple ball formed in Dragonite's mouth. He then released it. A purple/pink dragon shaped fire flew at Sceptile head on. Dragonite was then surrounded in a purple aura and charged at Sceptile. There was a massive explosion and when the dust cleared it showed a panting Dragonite and a panting Sceptile with cuts and bruises on his body.
"Amazingly Sceptile is still standing and has taken less damage then Dragonite." Mr. Goodshow commented
"Sceptile, end this with Leaf-Blade barrage." Ash said slightly louder than his previous commands.
Both of Sceptile's blades glowed green. He then lunged at Dragonite hitting him repeatedly with his blades. When he finished he finished Dragonite was still standing.
Dragonite looked at Sceptile before nodding. He then fell face first on the ground unconscious.
"Dragonite is unable to battle which means Sceptile is the winner meaning Satoshi Hikari has won this match." Yelled the referee
Everyone was silent. Lance had been defeated by a trainer nobody had heard of.
Then suddenly the stadium erupted into cheers at the amazing battle they just witnessed.
"With that amazing battle I happily start this tournament good luck. First match starts at 1 tommorow match-ups are in the Pokemon center." Said Mr. Goodshow.
Ash then walked out of the stadium with Paul, Tobias, Gary, and Richie.
"Now where is Jade" Ash asked
Suddenly they heard a scream coming from the forest next to them.
"Jade!" Ash yelled as he ran into the forest
He got to a clearing and saw five grunts surrounding Jade. They were wearing white suits with black R's on them.
"Grrrrr." He growled drawing they're attention to him.
When they saw him they froze in fear.
"Y-y-you died with Archie on the boat. How are you alive?" A grunt seemingly the leader asked
"I come from hell." Ash said "Pikachu." He said
His backpack unzipped and out came the rodent.
"Weak Thunder Shock." He said
Pikachu's pouches on his cheeks sparkled with electricity and he let some out causing the grunts to be paralyzed.
Ash then walked up to the grunts who were on the ground.
"See you in hell." He said before bringing out a blade and stabbing them all in the chest.
It was then that Paul, Gary, Ritchie, and Tobias walked into the clearing.
"What happened here?" Paul asked shocked
"Doesn't matter." Ash simply stated to which they shrugged. They knew of his past with the evil organizations.
Ash then called out Charizard.
"Dispose the body's in the ocean." He said
Charizard nodded and picked up the body's. He then started flying twords the edge of the island at inhuman speed.
Ash walked up to Jade who was on the ground shaking.
"Are you ok." He asked she then hugged him in a tight hug.
"T-t-they s-s-said they w-w-were g-going to.... R-r-r-rape m-me." Jade shake-fully said.
This made Ash's eyes glow blue in anger.
"Those freaking mother fuckers. I'm gonna find they're base and kill them all." He said darkly
His eyes then returned to normal and he saw Jade was still hugging him.
"Who were those people?" Asked Paul.
"They are team Revenge. I didn't kill everyone in the evil organizations I just killed most of them. They remaining members came together and formed it. They are led by Archie's son. They call him Jr." Ash explained
They were all shocked. Except Jade she was still shaking.
"How about I sing you a song." He asked Jade nodded
This got everyone excited. By now Charizard had returned so Ash called out all of his Pokemon. (Minus his secret ones. His friends don't know about them.)
He then started a beat.

The Return Of Ash KetchumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora